Supplier settlement discount

Andrew_Hoek1Andrew_Hoek1 Member Posts: 1

If a supplier offers an early settlement discount, how do I capture this? For example my bill is for 100 and I pay early (97.50). The bill shows 2.50 as outstanding and I need to capture this as a settlement discount


  • MitchellGillespieMitchellGillespie Member Posts: 17 admin

    Hey @Andrew_Hoek1! Thanks for your message.

    You are not the seller, therefore it's not required you track the outstanding discount from a bookkeeping perspective. We recommend that you edit your bill to $97.50, and pay the bill in full. If you want to record that your supplier gave you a discount, you can add reference to the discount in your notes.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions, and I hope you have a great day.

    edited January 17, 2019
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