"transfer clearing" issue ...HELP!!

22asepsysca22asepsysca Member Posts: 19

Well, now that Wave has further complicated things, (hasn't anyone other than me heard the old adage (if it ain't broke, don't f*** with it !!!) I immediately ran into a problem with transfers between my chequing account and my credit card account. My credit card balance is automatically paid via my checking account. These transactions get imported into wave. I followed the instructions in the help file and also the main help article when categorizing these transactions and doing the transfer, but once I click REVIEWED on both items, they show up as "transfer clearing". Been monkeying around with it for 30 minutes, what a frickin pile of crap...I am baffled, and have NO IDEA what to do.. and I don't have time for this... I need someone from Wave to help me..!!!!

UPDATE...never mind, I deleted the messed up transactions I ended up with and did a journal entry to fix things...and will see if can do this right next month....

edited January 25, 2019 in Accounting Technical Support


  • lisandra2001lisandra2001 Member Posts: 1

    Following...because I have the same problem and WAVE could not answer it after three tries with chat reps. They quit on me every time. Irritating.

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    What seems to be the issue?
    Mike G, CPA

  • 22asepsysca22asepsysca Member Posts: 19

    When you are finished doing the transfer as per the instructions, the 2 transactions show up as "transfer clearing". Which creates confusion. They should immediately show up as "Transfer from xxxx" and "Transfer to xxxx" ....which they do after you you go back a day or so later...this was my experience.
    I used to actually enjoy using Wave...now with the new super-busy Pretty Boy appearance and fonts and new ways of working through your transactions, I hate it. Not to mention, having to click The Mystery Button...oops I mean Save after you are done with each transaction. Apparently if you forget to click Save, your edits won't update your accounting and there is no warning if you forget to click Save. And you can't tell afterwards (going back into the transaction) if you actually clicked Save previously or not. Talk about nerve wracking.

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about your frustrations. I have many clients that transfer between accounts and to credit cards. I don’t seem to have any experience like that. So when the transactions are imported there is going to be a credit(black) out of one account and a debit in the other account(green). They are usually close to each since they occur on the same day. If I click on the drop down and then transfer, it usually has found the matching offset. Assign it to that and your done. It then changes the match on the transaction screen from uncategorized to transfer clearing.
    Mike G, CPA
    Better Service-Better Pricing
    edited March 3, 2019
  • lailalaila Member Posts: 4

    I am also having this problem. When I click on the drop down to categorize, the account with the matching transaction is listed there, but when I choose it, it still stays at "transfer clearing" and won't update.

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Hmmm. Not sure why that is happening. I just updated a clients books yesterday with some transfers to credit cards. Be happy to take a look for you if you are comfortable with that. My email is mike@mgfinancial.net
    Mike G, CPA

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Item to check:
    Is the offsetting entry also imported into Wave. Meaning if I transfer a payment to a credit card from my checking account and both accounts are imported then I would expect to see a credit (in black) from the checking account something like CHASE CREDIT CRD AUTOPAY and in and around the same date I should also see (in green) AUTOMATIC PAYMENT - THANK coming from the credit card import. When I select to categorize the checking transaction and choose transfer to credit card, it automatically finds the matching payment. I click on that match and it changes both of them to transfer. You might be missing one side, hence why you have transfer clearing.
    Mike G, CPA

    edited March 5, 2019
  • JHRED1JHRED1 Member Posts: 17

    Totally the same here too. It was once very simple and straight forward and now it's a proverbial PITA.
    I have a payment into one account which needs to be split to cover several items in the other account - I cant split it and transfer them. It just wont work.

  • 22asepsysca22asepsysca Member Posts: 19

    MikeG..yes the two transactions are importing into Wave...yes the other side of the transfer is right there to click on...that part works fine...but once all is done, they still show up as transfer clearing. Again, in my case, it wasntt until I logged back in a day or 2 later that they suddenly showed as "transfer to credit card" and "transfer from checking account" like they should have in the first place.

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Sounds like your issue was resolved. Software can be a funny thing and as someone who spends all day in them, I can surely attest to the little annoyances and nuances. Hope you have a great day.
    Mike G, CPA

  • Siobhan_HitchmoughSiobhan_Hitchmough Administrator Posts: 19 admin

    Hi everyone, I'm sorry to hear that this has been so frustrating. Thank you for the discussion, I'd like to ask a few questions and try to better understand what's going on here.

    @lisandra2001 I'm sorry to hear that you were disappointed in your chat experience with us. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to review it and learn from your feedback there.

    @22asepsysca, @laila, @JHRED1 and @lisandra2001 you've all mentioned above that when you're categorizing these payments, they end up showing as "transfer clearing" and don't seem to change to "transfer to/from" as you'd expect based on the content in our help center (and as @Mikeg has described above). Having tested in my own account I'm indeed seeing the transfer showing up as expected...
    Credit Card payment example
    ...but I'd love to know more about how this looks on your side if you're able (since we know this isn't what you're seeing).

    Any details you can share about how this is being processed in your account would be helpful here. When you're working to categorize these payments do you prefer to filter your transactions list by accounts? Or are you simply looking at your unfiltered list and connecting them manually? If you are filtering, does what you're seeing in your transactions list change if you clear the filter so that you're looking at the full list of transactions? Anything you'd be willing to share here would definitely help us better understand the situation so we can try to address it. Thank you!

  • JHRED1JHRED1 Member Posts: 17

    Exactly the same frustrating problem my end too!

  • JHRED1JHRED1 Member Posts: 17

    Ok, It seems its been rectified, no idea how but this is what I did:
    I created another transfer, then deleted it and when it updated ALL the "Transfer Clearing" entries changed to the correct description - obviously a bug in the system somewhere.

    edited April 2, 2019
  • JHRED1JHRED1 Member Posts: 17

    just to be clear, I created the transfer using an existing transfer so it showed as 1 withdrawal in one account (the bank linked account) but with 2 deposits in the corresponding account, I then deleted one of the automatically created transfers and clicked "Review" on the remaining one. Et Voila! All the erroneous "Transfer Clearing" descriptions changed to "Transfer From"

  • 22asepsysca22asepsysca Member Posts: 19

    I just tried it again now with freshly imported transactions......once I selected the other matching transaction for the transfer, both transactions immediately showed as "transfer from" and " transfer to"...Great! I thought......then I clicked "reviewed" on one of them and both changed to "transfer clearing" ...clicked reviewed on the other one...no change..... I then opened each transaction and clicked "Save"...no change, still transfer clearing. NOW HERE IS THE GOOD PART...after stepping off the transactions page for about one minute, I went back to it and they were showing up properly...this apparent delay happened to me before so I believe there is a delay in the system.

    edited April 2, 2019
  • JHRED1JHRED1 Member Posts: 17

    @22asepsysca @Mikeg @laila @lisandra2001 @Siobhan_Hitchmough I think @22asepsysca is correct that it is a delay/auto-update issue with this part of the software. It doesn't seem to affect the account totals and it is fixed with a simple work around. This time I just clicked the review button OFF/ON and then saved and refreshed the page - when the page reloaded it was showing transfer to/from correctly. I call this type of glitch a "Pimple" because its small and annoying ;)

    I'm still not able to split and transfer transactions as I was able to do in the last version, again its a pimple glitch for me.

    Maybe on the next update the devs will get a chance t look at these things.

  • RossyRossy Member Posts: 1

    Hello All

    Yes, the same thing happens to me with the "Transfer Clearing" but it never changes to "Transfer FROM/TO". Here is a post from Dec 2018 that is STILL not cleared :(

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    From the above it appears you are missing the withdrawals from the account (in Wave) that used to pay the Mastercard.
    Mike G, CPA

  • FinancialBookkeepingFinancialBookkeeping Member Posts: 14

    We've had an ongoing problem for MONTHS and can't seem to find a resolution. Back in (approx.) Nov we hired a CPA and granted him access to the Wave modules. Prior to hiring him, we'd gone through line by line, transaction by transaction, and hand classified EACH bank transaction, all debits and credits were classified into expense and income categories and items such as checks from a checking account were detailed, notes added with payee, pay to and category information; unknown category items were segregated into separate categories (ie: "Income from expo to be categorized by CPA", or "Funds transfer to outside account or petty cash", or "Venmo payment for day labor", etc). We didn't check the obscure, strangely labeled box on the far right that say's "CLICK TO VERIFY AS CORRECT AND COMPLETE" having no real idea what that meant or not feeling like we were quite ready to make that level of commitment since the title was so permanent sounding. In any case, it seems, that the CPA did something, like (Unreconcile all unconfirmed transactions or something), we are not sure WHAT he did, but it (seems) we LOST ALL THAT WORK that we'd done for weeks and weeks and weeks (hundreds, maybe thousands of hours) coding all the transactions. In what seems like ONE CLICK he erased ALL the data we'd added in the notes for each transaction and the individual categorizing we'd painstakingly hand changed item by item.

    PLUS!!!!!!! over the years we've been taking snap shots of receipts using the WAVE APP on my phone.

    NOW, they are ALL GONE!!!!!! 5 years worth of receipts, for which I have NO REPLACEMENT COPIES are all gone!!!!!!!

    The CPA blames WAVE -- he said that there was an upgrade and the data was damaged, lost, corrupted, misfiled or something during the system upgrade, Wave change over.

    ALSO, we've tried exporting the various reports to see where we are, compare totals, bring data into excel, sort and reconcile off line, etc. There seems to be NO REPORT which exports the transactions WITH the current categorization (accounting codes, etc) and there seems to be NO WAY to migrate the data easily into another accounting program for audit or rebuild purposes.

    A simple (globally embraced idea) of a BACKUP function seems to be a topic that would have been covered in "ACCOUNTING 101".

  • Siobhan_HitchmoughSiobhan_Hitchmough Administrator Posts: 19 admin

    Hi @FinancialBookkeeping, I'm so sorry to hear this. I appreciate you submitting a ticket to our support team as well. We're going to be reaching out to you privately there to discuss things further, as that's going to be a quicker way for us to get to the bottom of this together. Thank you again and looking forward to assisting you.

  • AKPAKP Member Posts: 2

    Why am I seeing this red error message every time I try to categorize a payment to my credit card as a transfer? When I match the transaction to the auto-recognized matching transaction, I get the error message. WHHHHHYYYYYYY?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @AKP , can you send a screenshot of the other transaction that you're trying to link it to? Just to confirm, this transaction is also uncategorized, correct? Have you tried categorizing the other transaction to this one?

    Let me know!

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