Duplicates in income?

valerianvalerian Member Posts: 1

Hi, in the income statement I get 90k income but if I tally up my invoices in google sheets for 2018 (including unpaid) they add up only to 59k. Where did the extra 30k came from? I mean I wouldn't mind it if the money was there but it is not. This is very frustrating. When I list the transactions I do not see any duplicates there, but it seems there are duplicate records for some invoices but I have no clue how to check it. Please help. THANKS


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @valeria, there are a couple of things that could be causing this, but would you mind sending me a DM with the email you use to login to Wave? I can take a look as a collaborator if you're comfortable just so we can diagnose the issue further.

    Generally speaking, the most common duplication of income is if payments are duplicated when a bank connection imports a transaction that was already created in Wave when the invoice was paid/marked as Wave. The best method for resolving this is by generating a Money in Transit account, to which funds are paid into and shown as pending until they are transfered out into your payment account by the bank transaction. This way you're able to preserve data from both the bank and invoice transaction without a double posting of income.

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