'mass data' saving

GMMGMM Member Posts: 3

In a thread where Charlotte (I think) was addressing the issue of someone 'losing' their online data, it was suggested that a 'mass data backup' (download?) would be useful. Does anyone do this regularly? It seems sensible and I'd do so but when I followed the 'mass...' link, it said something about my not being authorised to visit that part of the site. Has anyone else come across this?


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GMM, this may have to do with your permission levels if you're a collaborator on the account, but shouldn't be an issue if you're the account owner. Do you get this unauthorized message anywhere else in Wave? I would recommend trying to go through Settings > Data Export > Transactions and see if that works.

    If you keep getting the error and are the account owner, a lot of the time, this can be fixed by tweaking some things in your internet browser. Wave supports the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. We'd also recommend that you try using Wave with browser extensions disabled. If you have Chrome, try opening up an incognito window, logging into your Wave account, and try again (or if you have Firefox, open a private browsing window).

    If that doesn't work, you may also need to clear your cache and cookies. You can read more about the browsers we support, and how to troubleshoot issues for your individual browser:https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019859712. And if you're still not experiencing any luck let us know!

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