New Wave Upgrade

3horsedesign_TB3horsedesign_TB Member Posts: 4

The new upgrade is very frustrating but the support is making it harder. I need to be able to do 2 things that I could do previously and it's not letting me.
1. Right click to print the page I'm working a monthly list of transactions for my records
2. Being able to choose all transactions, at once, to verify with one click


  • 3horsedesign_TB3horsedesign_TB Member Posts: 4

    I did figure out my #2 for Verifying multiple transactions at once, but, I would still like to right click and print the whole page and it's not a function that exists anymore. Bummer.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @3horsedesign_TB and @neilcoza ! I appreciate your reaching out to provide your feedback. To be absolutely clear, our intention is absolutely not to deflect or ignore your requests for assistance in the forum. Our Support Team and other team members here at Wave are active here and work to address any requests where we're required as quickly as possible. An added benefit of the forum is that it is searchable, so you may be able to find the answers to questions more quickly. We also have an active community of members who can sometimes assist with questions based on their own experience -- particularly when it comes to accounting.

    That said, recently it's taken a little extra time to answer questions. This is true across support channels. During the first quarter of the year, we're at our busiest. Tax season significantly increases the volume of requests we receive, here and elsewhere. Our team pushes very hard to provide a good experience throughout, and we always appreciate feedback that helps us to improve.

    @3horsedesign_TB glad to hear you've resolved the first point! Your second comment sounds more like an operating system or browser issue, rather than one with Wave. For example, I'm using Chrome on a MacBook Pro and I'm able to right-click to print my transactions page in my upgraded account.

    If you're looking to print records from Wave, I can also recommend navigating to your Reports tab, where you can export to PDF and print from there.

    @neilcoza I took a look at your other request and you can also find discussion of how to manage your personal transactions using the upgraded platform here. If you have any additional input, it's very welcome and appreciated. I'd ask you to please share in the comments on this post. I've shared it with our Product Team for Accounting for review. Thank you again!

    edited February 3, 2019
  • 3horsedesign_TB3horsedesign_TB Member Posts: 4

    Hello Everyone that reached out on here! Today, I finally heard back on all my requests. It looks like the email glitch was on Waves side. I know all about the Help Center but was thrown off by the upgrade and wanted quicker answers than doing research but I was not correct in that assumption. CHARLOTTE...once you right click and get the selection window to prop up (exactly how it works on my HP Laptop) and you push PRINT...does it, ACTUALLY, print the full page you're working on or just part of it. It worked as I wanted before the upgrade.

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