Importing Transactions in a CSV File (but not Bank Connection)

jendelajendela Member Posts: 2

Hi there everyone!

Hopeing someone can help......

I have a handwritten Petty Cash book (cash expenses) that staff fill in it and covers the last 12 months.

Rather than entering each transaction manually into Wave, it is possible to type them into a spreadsheet .csv file and import them?

If it is possible, can you let me know:

  1. What columns/format are required in the csv file and what are the correct import headings (field names?) for each? For each transaction there is:

I am guessing columns are needed for:

  • An Expense account to debt (Do I use account number or account name for each transaction?)
  • The Asset account to credit (always the same - Petty Cash Asset account)
  • A date
  1. Is there anything else I need to aware of in order to achieve my objective?


  • Jeff1Jeff1 Member Posts: 2

    I'm also interested in knowing the format required for a CSV as I have a spreadsheet with dates, Description, Payee, Memo, Category, Payment, Deposit which I would like to upload.

  • jendelajendela Member Posts: 2

    Hi Jeff

    You just need your csv format file (use Excel to create and save as .csv format) with the following column headings:

    DATE (Must be MM/DD/YYYY)

    Note the date format must be in the format above for Wave to understand it correctly.

    Once you have this completed you can import and the import process will ask you to 'map' the columns in your csv file to the Wave data fields.....

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