Details panel do not open up

evaeva Member Posts: 1

Hello. I'm using the latest version of waveapps accounting system. My problem is when i add up expenses/incomes or even transaction from connected bank account, the details panel on the right side do not open up. So, I cannot edit the transactions :( I even sign in back few times and refresh the page but its still not working :(


  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey Eva,

    If refreshing the page didn't cause the category dropdowns to open up, I'd try a few extra troubleshooting steps (this probably has something to do with your browser):

    1) Clear your browser history, cache, and cookies
    2) Restart your computer.
    3) Is your browser updated? If not, update.
    4) Sometimes browser extension will create problems, if you have extensions like ad blocker, temporarily disable them.

    Above all, try opening Wave in Google Chrome. I find that Chrome works best of all browsers.

    Let me know how it works out!

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