Total Invoice (consolidate)

I'm looking to see if there is a way, or if it exists already where I can consolidate all invoices for a single client.
I.e. a client I invoice weekly, but bill at the end of the month, currently I manually have to re-design the invoice at the end of the month (variable working times so can't automate)
and other clients may be 2 - 3 invoices behind, understandably, it can get confusing when receiving a new invoice, and they think they only owe £100 instead of £300 due for example, whereas, if the invoice sent something like, "The total debt on you is £300, the invoice is for £100" or similar i.e. when they receive a receipt for a payment, something along the lines of "Thank you, You've paid off invoice #105, you have £300 remaining from 3 other invoices click here to view them now"
Also BULK accepting payment would be a GOD SEND!
It's not a massive issue, I can just tell clients they have 3 - 4 outstanding invoices, but it would make it easier if it was automated.
Hi @OOTMedia,
One option you have is to send a customer statement. The customer statement, when viewed online provides links to each invoice so they can pay each one quickly and easily online and they get a sense of their total balance, previous payments, etc for the date period you wish to send a statement for.
Bulk payment is a huge timesaver and we are looking at ways to bring this to life in 2019. We have a couple improvements that are required before we can do that but it has been discussed as part of our 2019 plans.
Has this feature been added? It's September and 2019 is quickly going to come to a close.
Hey @PRoberts . This has not been implemented yet, although we're working hard to get some new Sales features out this year. Stay tuned, as we'll announce any changes to this when they come.