Is it possible to group customers by category

Awashington1977_Awashington1977_ Member Posts: 2
We provide different services to customers and usually this is done quarterly basis or on a regular set schedule. It would be very helpful to me if I was able to categorize customers by the type of service they receive. For instance all commercial pest svc in a group, termite treatments in another and mosquito misting system customers in a group. Does anyone know if this its possible and if so can you please explain how to do that? I've not been able to figure it out yet. I appreciate any input or suggestions given Thanks!


  • RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    Hi @Awashington1977_

    It isn't possible to group customers together today in Wave. This type of categorization can be useful so I will take that feedback back to the product team to discuss along with other improvements to customers within Wave. This isn't on the near term roadmap right now but a great idea. Thanks for sharing your use case.

  • NPMNPM Member Posts: 2

    This would definitely be a game-changer for me. I utilize Wave for several rental properties. Each property is a separate customer. It would be great if I could bulk categorize a certain group of property tax or rents or other expenses relating to a specific customer. This is a very arduous task to do manually. When combined with the new so-called improvements with regard to receipts, which seem to make things even more difficult, I think QuickBooks is the best option. Very disappointed WAVE. I haven't found an accountant who uses your software to begin with so I've been pushing it on mine I counted but that won't be happening anymore.

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