My Sales Tax Report reads £0.00

stonelynkorganicsstonelynkorganics Member Posts: 4

Hello there,

after having input hundreds of purchases subject to VAT since my business opened last March, and having only now registered for VAT in the UK, I am disappointed to find that my Sales Tax Report feature doesn't seem to be working. The report simply reads £0.00. I seem to remember this not being the case near the beginning of my business, say 9 months ago, but now the function seems not to work at all. It seems I may have to manually calculate all of my VAT expenditure for the last 11 months manually which will be a big and arduous task as you can imagine.

Could you explain why this might be, or what I may be missing, or if there is some manual way to override this functionality and calculate my TAX costs a different way?

Many thanks


  • MerlinAccounts_UKMerlinAccounts_UK Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭


    Re backdating VAT claims from pre registration periods, you can only claim for assets (incl stock) held as at date of registration (so long as purchased within 3 years) and on services supplied in the 6 months prior - you cannot claim for goods and services consumed prior to registration, so be extremely careful what you attempt to claim on your first VAT Return.

    Regarding the tax report issue, I presume you have been inputting the VAT values of the relevant qualifying transactions (see first para) when you entered the transaction values? Not entirely sure why you would be getting a zero to be honest. You have selected the correct reporting period? Does a balance for sales tax not show on the balance sheet?

    Perhaps you could share some screen shots?

  • stonelynkorganicsstonelynkorganics Member Posts: 4

    Hi Andrew,

    thank you for your helpful reply.

    First of all, I wasn't aware of the limitations of which I can claim VAT back, so thank you for informing me of that. Just to check if my understanding is correct; for purchases which remain held as an asset, e.g. timber used to build a shed, I can claim back VAT, but purchases of items which were then consumed, e.g. plastic bags for packaging produce which is sold, I cannot? What about compost; it is consumed in that I've used it on the garden but it is still a valuable asset held in the garden, arguably. What counts as consumed? What about petrol for my machines?

    Indeed I have been inputting that VAT values on all VATable purchases, and I have ensured that the reporting period is correct. There's no mention of Sales Tax on my balance sheet.

    I wonder if it has anything to do with introducing a new sales tax, which I did mid-way through the year which may have confused the system. I introduced a 5% sales tax which is the VAT charged on petrol. Might this have caused a problem with the software?

  • stonelynkorganicsstonelynkorganics Member Posts: 4

    I've just discovered the setting in Wave for saying whether your tax is recoverable or not. Both taxes I use are set as nonrecoverable, which is wrong but I see now too late to change. Could that be why it won't show me how much I have spent on tax?

  • MerlinAccounts_UKMerlinAccounts_UK Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭

    @stonelynkorganics said:
    Hi Andrew,

    thank you for your helpful reply.

    First of all, I wasn't aware of the limitations of which I can claim VAT back, so thank you for informing me of that. Just to check if my understanding is correct; for purchases which remain held as an asset, e.g. timber used to build a shed, I can claim back VAT,

    Is the shed a business asset? Used wholly and exclusively for the business?

    but purchases of items which were then consumed, e.g. plastic bags for packaging produce which is sold, I cannot?

    If the sale took place prior to VAT registration you cannot claim the VAT back

    What about compost; it is consumed in that I've used it on the garden but it is still a valuable asset held in the garden, arguably.

    How is your garden a business asset?

    What counts as consumed?

    You've used it up before you became VAT registered.

    What about petrol for my machines?

    _After you are registered? Of course _

    Indeed I have been inputting that VAT values on all VATable purchases, and I have ensured that the reporting period is correct. There's no mention of Sales Tax on my balance sheet.

    I wonder if it has anything to do with introducing a new sales tax, which I did mid-way through the year which may have confused the system. I introduced a 5% sales tax which is the VAT charged on petrol. Might this have caused a problem with the software?

    Think you may have cleared this point looking at your sebsequent post

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