Expenses showing up as deposits after upload

Jetzy_App_2019Jetzy_App_2019 Member Posts: 1

Hello everyone!

I recently uploaded a CSV file of my Checking Account's transaction record for 2015, but when I finished the upload, all of the transactions were logged as deposits! This includes the expenses, which would be withdrawals. The expenses had negative amounts in the CSV file, and the deposits had positive balances.

Anyhow, my expenses all had to be manually changed to what they were. How can I avoid having expenses listed as deposits in the future? Should I change the amounts to be positive before uploading the statement?

Thank you!


  • SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @Jetzy_App_2019 I'm sorry to hear you had this issue, that sounds frustrating! For a little troubleshooting, can you confirm that your checking account is created as an asset account under Cash and Bank? I know that sounds super basic but that's the first thing to eliminate. Could you also check how the negative amounts were formatted in your CSV? I.e. were they in brackets or with a - sign? I've attached our CSV import template for reference, as well :)

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