Turn off the Accounting/Transactions - POPUP to review x number of transactions like this one

I am not referring to the auto-category assignment. I am referring to the pop-up that is shown in Accounting / Transactions, that wants you to review other transactions. I do not wish to review and categorize x other transactions. I do not want to see the following pop up that asks if I want to review 29 other transactions like this one.
- Every and I will specific, all 29 other transactions have a category assigned and are marked reviewed.
- I do not want to review a transaction already marked reviewed. I do not want to be reminded by this popup to review them again.
- I do not want to assign a category to transactions that already have a category assigned. I do not want to be reminded by this popup to review them again.
- I do not want to see this popup at all. It is annoying. It is in the way. I spend two clicks to close something that should not be opened.
Please turn this off, or provide a configuration setting to allow me to turn this off.
Or please at least put the pop up in a location on the screen that isn't so intrusive.
Hey @sbright527, thanks for reaching out and thanks for your input here. I will be passing this feedback along to our Product Team to see if there is anything we can do about making this message less intrusive. I will be sure to update this thread with any feedback!
Yes please!
@keepbk appreciate the additional feedback! We're committed to constantly improving our product and giving our customers the best in-app experience so feedback like this is always helpful for us.
Dear team,
I use Waveapps for multiple small charitable organisations and my own freelance work, on the whole I have been happy and stayed on even after the loss of auto-importing transaction from the bank in the UK, because of the functionality of the platform.
However, I am grateful this has been raised. It is actually a bigger issue than has been acknowledged. I’m afraid to say that if it is not resolved soon it will be a dealbreaker for me and I will have to switch platforms. Categorising transactions is one of the primary features of WaveApps, and this unnecessary, unhelpful intrusion stops my workflow completely.
I am surprised this did not come up in testing? Of course I admire the intention to develop an algorithm that auto-categorises, but so often when running complex projects, predictable categories are the exception not the rule.
Please make this a priority, all we would need is a switch in settings or even in the top right or left of the screen switching ‘ask if I want to auto-categorise’ on or off.
Hi A @SiblingArts! Thank you for sharing your feedback on this. As @Clifton mentioned, this is well said. The detail you have provided on how this is impacting your workflow, and the alternative methods you mentioned are much appreciated by the team here. I don't have any ETA on this at the moment, but I hope that it is something we can look into so you do not have to look elsewhere for alternatives. Thanks again.
I would have to agree w/those who have commented above, this "feature" is annoying and very unhelpful when trying to just work through things as quickly as possible. I like the idea of making it optional. I am looking into other options, as mentioned by someone else, primarily due to this issue.
I agree - it would be great to be able to permanently dismiss this popup, as it adds an extra click to every single transaction I categorize and becomes fairly annoying as I categorize each month.
Its been over a year and that darn popup is driving me crazy!!! makes me really dislike wave. we enter so many txns, this pointless click and interruption in our workflow needs to stop!!!
Hey there @Rickcouture
Our team is actively looking to improve our auto-categorization feature. I understand the frustration behind this pop-up but at this time we don't have a way to turn off this feature right now. Thank you for your contribution to the community!
It's October 2020 and that darn popover is_ still _annoying and freezes my browser for a long time when it comes with with THOUSANDS of similar transactions...
Wave team, any update on solving this issue? It's persistently annoying. Yes, I get things from Amazon, the hardware store, Tractor Supply, etc. all the time - no, they should not all go in the same category! This popup his helpful about 1% of the time. My suggestions, in order of preference: Get rid of it, give us an option to turn it off, automatically recognize when I close it and don't show it again for the same vendor, or put it down in the corner of the screen where I don't have to spend 2 clicks to get rid of it.
P.S. posting this comment still took less time than I've wasted closing those popups over the last year.
Hello Wave. I appreciate your work and products. My accountant insisted that I switch to Quickbooks and I did....for a month.......I hated it so bad that I switched back to Wave. Part of the problem is that there are so many popups in Quickbooks, the rest of the problem is that Quickbooks is just terrible. I love wave, (my accountant does not), but I wonder if there is any way to eliminate these constant popups. I would like to know whose idea it was to do this to us. It is the only reason I am going insane as of late.
I also agree with everything said above. I have been using Wave for 2 years now, and this popup is the worst thing to happen to Wave I do believe. I lived in a day it didn't exist... but once it did, there has been no way to remove it. I have requested this as well in a different tread almost 1.5 years ago. This can not be a complicated feature to add an on/off/dismiss for 1 day, dismiss forever type setting. Everything else about Wave I love, but to deal with this on a constant basis, especially as my business begins to really grow and more and more transactions flow through... The amount of time and frustration has me thinking about looking elsewhere. Over a popup. That used to not exist. That can not exist again if a little effort was set forth.
Just started using Wave and it's pretty discouraging to see how long this has been an identified issue. It's concerning on two fronts: As an enterprise UX architect, I can see that the design decisions that went into this feature were not well-considered, and were insufficiently tested. But the lack of a fix, together with another noteworthy UX problem that I would also classify as low hanging fruit, sends some troubling signals about the company's financial situation. If resources are not available to remedy relatively minor issues that create friction for use of the product, I'm concerned that it might be an indication of larger issues.