
Credit card help text improvement (easy fix)

John69John69 Member Posts: 13

Hi! I receive payments from Europe, and many credit cards in Europe do not have a ZIP code associated with them.

Wave's card payment form doesn't accept that you don't enter a zip, it's a required field. Problem is, that if the European company puts in the zip/postcode from their bank or address, it is not going to validate..!

Until you guys address this, how about just adding "If no zip or postal is associated with your credit card, please enter five zeros." to the end of your help text.
Then the payment WILL go through and we don't have to spend time explaining things to customers who call to say "your card form doesn't work".



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    RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭


    Thanks for the feedback on the above. Unfortunately we cannot post help text like what you mentioned above as it can lead to increased fraudulent transaction attempts. You can communicate this directly with the customers who do not have a zip/postal code so they can continue to process payments. I will take this feedback and discuss with the team here to see if there are other improvements to this to ensure your customers don't get confused or encounter errors paying your invoices.

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    John69John69 Member Posts: 13

    Well, honestly, that's disappointing, @Rahim -- Especially that you guys don't realize that international cards seldom have zip codes and that Wave's form WILL give an error if you enter your zip or postal code and won't submit without it.
    AVS is great, but really just in America and with American cards. I haven't come across any other web payment systems that use AVS, so you guys might want to reconsider AVS -- if you want international customers.

    I will continue to ask my clients to please excuse my old-fashioned payment system. But I do hope the team comes up with another and smarter workaround.

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