Missing Invoices in Transactions Section

ctdookctdook Member Posts: 12

Hi - Has anyone every had invoices that are missing in the Transactions section? I'm looking in the invoices section and I clearly see them there and marked as paid, but they are not found in Transactions at all. I have everything in Transactions already categorized so now I have no idea where these "missing" invoice records are. The only records I have is bank record of the payment, which I need to merge with the missing invoice. Another strange issue is that the "missing" invoices along with visible bank records is causing my total Sales in the P&L report to double count.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @ctdook! How have you been marking your invoices as paid?

    If you marked an invoice as paid directly on the invoice page itself, Wave will automatically create a matching transaction for it on your Accounting>Transactions page. It should look like this:

    Avoid recategorizing these transactions, as that would unlink the them from the invoice.

    If you are looking to record when your customers gave you their invoice payment and when your bank account actually received the deposit as separate dates, you can follow this Help Center article. This will prevent duplications of income.

  • The_Real_NaniThe_Real_Nani Member Posts: 3

    I am having this issue also. My last two paid invoices (paid from the Wave invoice so I didn't mark it paid manually) are not showing up in transactions, nor is the deposit to my linked bank account showing up in transactions.

  • ctdookctdook Member Posts: 12

    @The_Real_Nani - The transactions from the bank account are showing up. @Erik These invoices are marked as paid - I've doubled checked and tripled checked to make sure. I'm wondering if these records were somehow deleted in the Transactions section? There should be a way to ensure that all invoice records show up in Transactions and a way to recover or add them if they don't exist in Transactions. What do you suggest as a work-around? As this will throw off all of the reporting.

    edited February 13, 2019
  • The_Real_NaniThe_Real_Nani Member Posts: 3

    My invoices that were paid just a few days prior are showing up without an issue. This is the first time this has happened to me.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @ctdook. Just thought I would confirm with you -- did you recategorize these specific invoice payments? If so, that could be part of the reason that you are no longer seeing the transactions (if you recategorized them from 'invoice payment from' to something along the lines of 'sales'). If not, please let me know so we can do a bit of further investigating

    @The_Real_Nani To confirm -- the invoices that were paid to you via Wave, have you tried filtering the data so that you are only looking at the Payments by Wave account? I just want to get a stronger idea as to what could be happening here.

  • The_Real_NaniThe_Real_Nani Member Posts: 3

    I didn't recategorize them. I didn't do anything different. The invoices were paid, and when I look in Transactions, they are not showing up. When I filter it, they don't show up either. I have invoices that were paid on February 6th, but those were paid outside of Wave, so I have marked those as Paid manually and they are showing up in Transaction. I have my bank account linked, and have resynced it a few times. The deposits from the bank side are not showing up in the list of Wave Transactions, either, for those two invoices that are missing.

    edited February 14, 2019
  • ctdookctdook Member Posts: 12

    Hi @JamieD, thanks for following up with me. Not sure what do you mean by "recategorize", but I actually can't recall if they've been recategorized so whatever you can do to investigate further would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need to send some you the 2 missing transactions in question. Is there a support system/ticket to send you the actual records in question? Thanks for your help!

    edited February 14, 2019
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @The_Real_Nani @ctdook I sent you both a support ticketing emails as I feel like this might be best handled there -- it might be a bit of back and forth with screenshots in order to get to the bottom of what could be going on here, so I appreciate your patience.

    edited February 15, 2019
  • Beth_Jo1Beth_Jo1 Member Posts: 1

    When trying to reconcile one of my credit cards, Wave tells me that I need to fix the account because there may be some missing transactions between April 13, 2020 and July 12, 2020. Actually there were no transactions on that credit card during that period. In fact there are no statements available on the credit card website for that time period. On the Reconciliation section, Wave shows statement balance as 209.06, but the Wave balance shows $0.00. How do I correct this?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Beth_Jo1 !

    Are you referring to your statement balance when reconciling your credit card account? If so, this statement balance is entered manually based on your real world statement balance. If you would like to adjust the statement balance shown in Wave, you can action this by pressing the pencil icon beside the value.

    If you'd like to learn more about reconciliation, feel free to check out this Help Center article.

    edited January 12, 2021
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