Sales tax Audit report

roberth709roberth709 Member Posts: 5


After the recent changes, I am not able to see that sales tax audit report anymore. It would be much appreciated if these type of changes are properly communicated to avoid unpleasant surprises. Did anybody find this report or has knowledge about how this report can be accessed again?



  • JustinAJustinA Member Posts: 37 admin

    Hi Robert,

    Apologies for the inconvenience that this causes. We will be adding a sales tax filter to the account transactions report in the coming months which should allow you to get the information you depended on in the sales tax audit report.



  • SusanfromNZSusanfromNZ Member Posts: 7

    I too am needing the sales tax audit report and my sales tax return is due end of February. I am trying to reconcile the new info to the previous version as I had n input tax and output tax but they seem to have merged. Please reinstate the sales tax audit ASAP or our accountant may insist we change accounting systems.

    edited February 24, 2019
  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @SusanfromNZ, this report was removed but the new base model of the sales tax report includes the information previously shown in the audit version. Also, some of this information can be supplemented by heading over to the General Ledger report and narrowing down to the relevant accounts and/or taxes to pull up additional transaction details. I hope this helps!

  • Northern_2018Northern_2018 Member Posts: 8

    I too need help on the reporting . Account has just been upgraded to the new style.
    In the Sales Tax Ledger since the upgrade Discounts that usually go to Sales as a credit seem to go to purchases , The report has always matched the P&L but now doesn't match. When I check back over the past financial year all the GST reports dont match. Producing a GST return this time took hours to produce and financial year end approaching and nothing matches

  • Siobhan_HitchmoughSiobhan_Hitchmough Administrator Posts: 19 admin

    Hi @Northern_2018, thanks for joining the conversation :smile:!

    I'd love to know more about the specifics here so be sure we're on the same page. For instance: which reports are you using when you review your GST for the year? What sort of discrepancies are you seeing within them?

    Our Sales Tax Report should let you see the sales tax breakdown for sales and purchases related to your sales taxes (via Reports > Sales Tax Reports) and look something like this:
    Sales Tax Report
    The idea here is that you can see the total amount on which the tax was charged, AND the tax calculated on both sides of the process more clearly using this page. As a note, it's also possible to switch the report type between Accrual and Cash & Cash Equivalents within this report to give you more control.

    There's some more detail available in the help center here: but the information I expect will be most relevant to you (based on your note above) is that sales tax doesn't appear on the Profit & Loss Statement as a line item. The Profit & Loss Statement, Payroll Wage & Tax Report, and Aged Receivables Report will not reflect your sales tax as line items, so depending on which reports you're comparing this may account for why you're seeing a difference between them.

    I hope that helps shed a little light on the reporting here and please do reach out if you're still unsure about what you're seeing. Thanks!

  • TJ_in_ZATJ_in_ZA Member Posts: 16

    @Zoe_caff said:
    Hey @SusanfromNZ, this report was removed but the new base model of the sales tax report includes the information previously shown in the audit version. Also, some of this information can be supplemented by heading over to the General Ledger report and narrowing down to the relevant accounts and/or taxes to pull up additional transaction details. I hope this helps!

    Hi Zoe,

    Please could you clarify what you mean when you say "... the new base model of the sales tax report includes the information previously shown in the audit version."

    How do I get to see the audit report? I may be overlooking something obvious but I have been unable to find anything resembling a Sales Tax Audit Report anywhere in Wave.



  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @TJ_in_ZA , in the older version of Wave, the Sales Tax Report had two views: Audit Report and Summary Report. The information that was displayed on the Audit Report in the older version of Wave is now displayed on the single view available for the Sales Tax Report found in the new version of Wave.

    edited August 9, 2019
  • TJ_in_ZATJ_in_ZA Member Posts: 16

    @Myron said:
    Hi @TJ_in_ZA , in the older version of Wave, the Sales Tax Report had two views: Audit Report and Summary Report. The information that was displayed on the Audit Report in the older version of Wave is now displayed on the single view available for the Sales Tax Report found in the new version of Wave.

    Hi Myron,

    Please can you explain, in as much detail as possible, how I can view the audit report.

    I cannot see it. You say that it's displayed on the single view of the tax report but I cannot see it.

    Can you explain, in detail, how I would get the audit report, and save/export it, so that I can send it to my local tax authority when they request it.



  • TJ_in_ZATJ_in_ZA Member Posts: 16

    Hi @Myron

    I'm not sure if you've seen my last message yet.

    I eventually figured out that I could get a partial sales tax audit report by clicking on the VAT Std (15%) label on the sales tax summary report, as shown in the image below and circled in red.

    However, when that detailed report is displayed, the totals at the bottom of the report are quite different to the figures shown in the summary report, as you can see in the image below. What's going on here? Why do the figures differ?



  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @TJ_in_ZA

    Would you mind opening up a ticket with our support team so that we can get a bit more insight into this a bit more if we could access your account through a support ticket. It might be ideal to get an agent to gain access to take a look further! Feel free to link this community post in your ask.

    Thanks and have a great weekend.

  • TegwaanTegwaan Member Posts: 6

    Hi I'm having the same exact problem that @TJ_in_ZA had. Did his question get answered in another thread? Thanks!

  • TegwaanTegwaan Member Posts: 6

    I did find another string of conversation that @TJ_in_ZA had about this report but it did not answer the question about the discrepancies between the totals on the summary report versus the totals at the bottom of the detailed report for the same period. His screen shot says it all. Why would those amounts be different? And how do we get a detailed report that matches the summary report?


    edited October 31, 2019
  • TJ_in_ZATJ_in_ZA Member Posts: 16

    @Tegwaan said:
    I did find another string of conversation that @TJ_in_ZA had about this report but it did not answer the question about the discrepancies between the totals on the summary report versus the totals at the bottom of the detailed report for the same period. His screen shot says it all. Why would those amounts be different? And how do we get a detailed report that matches the summary report?

    Hi Tegwaan,

    I'm afraid I didn't ever get a useful answer to the issue.

    If I ever need to produce a sales tax audit report I am going to have to do a lot of work to get the required data exported from Wave and into a spreadsheet and I will then have to do a lot of editing on it in order to end up with a genuine sales tax report that the tax authorities will accept.

    There are a few glaring omissions in Wave and the lack of a sales tax audit report is one of them.


    edited October 31, 2019
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