Update customers with account number
Member Posts: 24
Is there a way that I can update my entire customer base to include a unique account number?
I have used Wave Connect to test this, but it says that it will create duplicate customers. Is there any way that Wave Connect or another process can be used to just update the current customer record with an account number?
Hmm. That's not something that is supported at this time.
The use case that we designed Wave Connect for was primarily initial data setup (albeit with Invoicing on an ongoing basis), so right now there's no Update capability. I can understand how it might be valuable, however.
Happy to add that to our list of feature requests, but unlikely to have it built in time to solve your need to update your data right now.
Sorry I can't be more helpful immediately. If I think of something, though, I'll come back to you!
@PaulC - I do not have anything else set up as we have not gone live yet. Would it be just as easy to delete the customer accounts and reload them with the account number?
I could download them, make the change to account number - delete them from Wave - then load them back in. Just my thought.
Yes, that would work!
Good that you caught this before moving further ahead
@PaulC - I would just download my customer base first, then delete each individually from Wave, then load them back in with Wave Connect with the added account number.
Is this correct - or is there another process or step that I should do?
No, that's exactly the right process.
Note that Wave doesn't force you to make the Account Number unique (i.e. we allow non-unique customers and non-unique account number), so you want to be careful to ensure you do this.