Still Waiting for a Packing List option.

I realize this feature wouldn't (on the surface) generate any additional income for Wave, but there have been multiple requests, and I'm sure folks would be willing to pay a little bit for this feature, rather than move to another platform.
I love that Wave is incredibly easy to use, and I know it would be a draw to far more people if it had this feature. It's dirt cheap to add it on your end, and would generate a LOT more small biz transaction fees for you, as people migrate to Wave from other places.
Hey @hickorysmoke, thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like Wave! Since Wave doesn't currently offer this feature, we'd really appreciate your insight on how it'd be a game changer! Knowing things such as how often you'd use it, how much time you think it'd save you on a monthly basis and your current method of handling this type of thing would be super useful. Our Product Team is always looking for ways to make Wave better but we understand you're busy running a business so no pressure to get back to us. I/we would also be interested to hear what sort packing list options you'd like to see. Would it need to be customizable? Or would it just reiterate the details from the invoice for the most part?
Hi, thanks for your quick response.
I and several others have gone into detail about why the option is so necessary for product-based business. Most people we ship "things" to, want a packing list, to reconcile with what's in the box. The invoice goes somewhere different - depending on the size of the biz, it may go right to accounting, and the unpacker will never see it.
HOWEVER, accounting, likes to have both the packing list and the invoice to show that what they are about to write a check for, actually arrived. The other person that wants all this paperwork is the TAX person.
I could go on, but so many others have commented here over the years about why it's so needed, and so many Wave folks have responded that it's not at all a priority.
I think a lot of frustrated folks have migrated to programs that costs more, but do more.
A packing list is pretty straightforward! Just an invoice with the shipping and cost boxes left blank.
I'll paste a note from another frustrated user below, but you can find them in your forum, too.
Thank you for your questions about this. Since I and others have asked repeatedly and nothing has happened, , this is my last ditch attempt, before paying another service, which sucks. I know I'm not the only one leaving because of this tiny little request that seems so impossible for Wave to fulfill.
"FYI, Wave can't do Purchase Orders or Packing slips and both are MANDATORY BY SO MANY BUSINESSES IN THE US and I can't believe they don't have them. Wave is a good product and I love what works, but not knowing about or including packing slips and PO's is seriously handicapping what I can do and whether I can stick with using Wave. Your programmers should be able to adapt what you already have in minutes as packing slips list items sold with all info except pricing and due date. They are included with packages that are shipped to customers and your software should just ask when printing invoices if printing a packing slip is necessary and then it's just the same thing with certain fields like price blocked out, it's just a list of what was bought, who sold it, where it went.
Please help me raise awareness that WAVE also needs Purchase orders. They are REQUIRED BY MANY VENDORS TO DO BUSINESS. I have never seen accounting software with it even at the basic level. PO is just an order to a vendor that is a binding agreement to agree"
oops, sorry Samd, I have no idea why the middle of the note is so giant! I wasn't yelling
I realize this is an old thread but did this ever get figured out? I am a photographer/image design person. Currently I am selling Yard Signs to customers. I have a school I sold 225 signs to with 5 different designs. I have the qty's and designs each as a separate line item on the invoice but would like to print this as a packing list with no pricing on it as the people distributing the signs just need a number not a price.
Is there a way to print the invoice without pricing on it.
I'm also wondering about this... How are packing slips not a part of Wave? This is a fundamental requirement of any accounting software!
We would appreciate if you could let us know the status of this basic necessity. We just want to print an invoice without prices - aka a packing list. It should be a very simple feature to implement. People are practically begging for it and it would take 10 minutes to code...
@Upper90 @clange I'm afraid that we still don't have an update on developing this feature anytime soon. We've recently migrated our users from the older version of the software to the newer version which is going to unlock opportunities to build new features more seamlessly. However, without setting unrealistic expectations, this still has yet to be implemented in a future roadmap. When/if we start to get the ball rolling on this type of feature, we will be sure to let our users know and specifically, in this thread as well.
Thanks for the reply. I understand there may be more pressing issues from a business standpoint... However, this is such a simple ask that I urge you to consider implementing this basic necessity sooner than later.
All we need is an invoice without prices. Surely that wouldn't take much time to add to your platform.
Do you have an option to allow for customers to pay for feature development? I'm sure there are many users (us included) which wouldn't mind contributing some cash to fix this issue.
You already have the option to hide prices on invoices (sounds like an odd feature). I'd assume that same code is a simple copy/paste to allow us to be able to print packing slips?
For a short term fix what I do is open the PDF invoice in Adobe Acrobat DC and delete all the fields I don't want shown and then resave as a packing list.
I agree though this is a no brainier that should take a good programmer 10min to implement. They have taken more time to tell us repeatedly it isn't in their roadmap then it would take to fix it.
Anyways figured I would share my work around.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I often find myself creating/correcting packing slips by using Chrome's inspect (DevTools) to modify the html and print to PDF.
Hey @Upper90 @clange
I understand that this feature is pertinent to your business which Wave currently does not have implemented, but I do want to applaud you on offering some solid workarounds in the public forum! Thanks a bunch for this!
You might consider tasking a summer intern (remotely-working cs major) with implementing some of these super “simple” features many of your users are begging for.
“Free doesn't mean fewer features - Just because Wave is free doesn't mean you won't get access to powerful, professional software.”
Wave has powerful features, I am pretty sure... I’m also very excited to use your software for several businesses. However, I’m spending my time trying to do the simplest of tasks (writing a PO or printing a packing slip) - instead of using Wave for its innovation.
These two major features are exactly the “fewer features” potential customers are/should be worried about losing when switching to your software.
I understand you implement features according to your service industry business model. Even “service type businesses” need these simple features! We still buy (PO) and ship things to clients (packing slip).
“Business Owner First means that ...we prioritize simplicity...”
Here is a good opportunity!
Totally agree, task an intern. At this point, I'd be willing to code this myself for free. This is extremely frustrating. I've seen threads going back 3 years asking for a solution to this.
Hopefully another bump on this thread will help.
This is unbelievable! No packing slip options?
I just sent a client to WaveApps to try to help him figure out a unique situation he has between e-commerce orders and telephone orders/payment processing where he needs to record the sales/invoices manually.
His reply to me? "Wave looks fantastic, but no packing slips. That's a deal-breaker for me."
I was really surprised and had to check it out for myself - sure enough, it's true!
If you're working on this for the future, his particular situation is that he also needs the ability to hide the Billing Address and just have shipping address on the packing slip.
But a really big surprise that Wave hasn't implemented packing slips in any shape or form!
This is the single most frustrating thing I have ever seen in my life.
I need to leave the platform and go to my old accounting system.
A lot of potential users REQUIRE slips to operate, and as wave does not offer them, they do not consider it.
Yup - I've been asking for this for years. WAVE is awful at providing the basic things required to run a business. If all you need to do is categorize transactions, your golden - but WAVE is not growing or expanding with its customer base.
Seems like a very limited value proposition to customers, owners, and investors to only provide the things businesses need for the first 1-3 years of business existence and then leave all your customers hanging out to dry. There have been no features, no release notes, no communication since HR bock purchased WAVE. Wave even won't accept money from its growing clients to make these things happen. I've tried. Very frustrating.