Reconciliation wave with bank

supremelandscapingcosupremelandscapingco Member Posts: 1

Has anyone ever had a discrepancy between wave and your bank statement when doing the reconciliation? For whatever reason I cant find the missing dollars. Ive printed out my bank statement and wave statement and compared numbers but cant seem to find the difference. Ive also checked the beginning balances and the ending balances. the ending balances are different since in cant reconcile the month. Can someone please help??


  • BelbeinBelbein Member Posts: 3

    Me too. So far, can't find either the money or any helpful response from Wave.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @supremelandscapingco It appears that you are currently working with Myron on your specific case here -- you're in good hands and I'll work aside him to help you find the reason you are still not being able to properly reconcile (or where the missing dollar amounts are).

    @Belbein I have reached out to you via a support ticket as I feel as though we may need to go through a bit of back and forth here to get to the bottom of this.

  • nellekeysnellekeys Member Posts: 1

    I am having the same issue and I have not been able to get any assistance. Please let me know once you have figured it out.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @nellekeys Could you please elaborate a bit more as to what exactly you are experiencing here? Have you gone through the months that you need to reconcile and noted any specific transactions that may be increasing/throwing off the balance? Let me know when you get a chance so we can do some further investigating here.

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