merging receipts with credit card transactions

benjaminbbenjaminb Member Posts: 2

Hi, I originally contacted wave about this about a month ago, but some of my receipts are not merging with the original cc transaction, and I'm getting an error:

Anyone else having this issue? It's becoming such a nightmare to do my reconciliation without this working...


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @benjaminb, I can see that you submitted a ticket over the weekend, and our team is currently working through the weekend backlog. We'll be responding to your request shortly and we can take care of this in that thread, since it's a better place to run through troubleshooting, share screenshots, etc. Thanks for your patience!

  • benjaminbbenjaminb Member Posts: 2

    yeah sounds update you (and readers) I noticed in my receipts app several of my accounts are duplicates in the receipts app and online...I went to check my accounts on the wave site, and they do not match (there are no duplicates on the site)...I think this is the main issue and I hope you're team of geniuses can help solve this mystery...

  • JohanaJohana Member Posts: 3

    Hello, I am having duplicates in my accounting transactions, The ones that come from the Receipts tool (we are scanning our receipts) and also the ones linking through the credit card. Is there a way to merge them together? it would be perfect if the tool linked the receipts with the credit card transactions.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Johana ! This should be totally possible in Wave. All you will need to do is click on the two transactions (the receipt and expense transaction) and simply click on the 'Merge' option. This can only happen if they are for the same dollar amount, both an expense transaction, and also associated with the same payment account that the expense was paid through.

    edited March 14, 2019
  • JohanaJohana Member Posts: 3


    Thank you very much

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