Transaction refuses to reconcile

NicolatoNicolato Member Posts: 8

Hello Support.

I am having difficuly reconciling a transaction, as you can see here:

All the other items reconciled perfectly easily. Can you suggest what I can do to move past this obstacle, please?

Thank you!


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Nicolato

    This could be an issue with your browser, it often is when it comes down to issues saving on Wave. Try clearing your browser's cache and let me know if it fixes the issue. I also recommend using Chrome or Firefox, if you aren't already. They tend to be the most stable.

  • NicolatoNicolato Member Posts: 8

    Hi Alexia. Thanks for the quick reply and the tip, which I will try out now. Back soon.

  • NicolatoNicolato Member Posts: 8

    Hi Alexia. Neither Chrome nor Firefox worked. Both had their cache cleared before I tried.
    Any other ideas?

  • NicolatoNicolato Member Posts: 8

    Additionally, I booted to Windows and tried there using Chrome and Edge browsers. Same thing there. At least it's a consistent error huh?
    Use of Wave as a tool for business insight has stopped until I can get past this error. Advice much appreciated!

  • NicolatoNicolato Member Posts: 8

    Hello. Any reply for me on this? I tried Chrome in Incognito mode as someone else suggested, but that didn't solve the problem either. Need a reply soon please!

  • NicolatoNicolato Member Posts: 8

    Resolution: This is the known issue where the computer's clock must be set to Eastern Time (US) for the reconciliation to work. I have seen that issue mentioned in a number of forum posts. Support replied to my support call, saying it was on their fix list.

    edited March 13, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Nicolato, thanks for letting us know about the workaround!

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