I would like some clarification as to how Receipts are used.
A Scout parent purchased some items and I would like to see that he gets reimbursed for this. I have the receipt, but the only thing I can think of doing is creating a vendor bill with that Parent's name. Please let me know the best way to handle this.
Hey @scout_treas, we have a guide here that will go over this process in a little more detail, but I should be able to breakdown for you one way of accounting for it:
So, first you'd want to head to Accounting > Chart of Accounts, and generate a new liabilities account, which you can title Reimbursements. Then, upload the receipt in Purchases > Bills to record the initial expense. Categorize the expense type, but make sure to choose the Reimbursements account for the account to which this transaction will be posted. You now basically have record of the expense, as well as that you owe this to someone. To mark repayment, head over to Accounting > Transactions, and create a new expense, this time from your bank account in the amount owed. As category, select Transfer to... and then Reimbursements as the receiving account, and you should be good to go.