Issues: Editing and Saving Transactions. NEED ASSISTANCE URGENTLY

KandiceGKandiceG Member Posts: 1

To whom it may concern, I am having difficulty saving and editing my transactions.
I have attempted to log off and log in again, but still not able to.
Please, can you urgently assist?


  • EdhoolioEdhoolio Member Posts: 1

    Yes, Please I'm having similar problem. Is there any problem with this software. I'm not even able to write or record my expenses.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @KandiceG and @Edhoolio,

    I apologize for your post having been overlooked.

    Are you still having that problem? This is usually fixed by clearing your browser's cache. Also, if you aren't using Chrome or Firefox already, i'd recommend doing so. They tend to be more stable then the alternative.

    Let me know if that fixes the issue.

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