Looking for Wave Users in the UK

We are as near to you now as you are to your computer or favourite mobile device, so whether you're based in John O'Groats or Lands End, Anglesey or Dover or anywhere in between we can provide you with all your accounting needs.
Need a face to face chat? We're on Skype! (and Skype to Skype calls are FREE! we love FREE stuff).
Want to be shown how to post something through Wave? We use Teamviewer to remotely connect to your computer so we can SHOW you what to do.
Need to post your books to us? NO! All you need to do is scan every bill and receipt as you receive them and upload to a shared Google Drive, One Drive (or similar) folder (other than receipts that you have uploaded to Wave of course). Bank statements can be downloaded from your bank and uploaded to the shared drive folder too.
If you're already using Wave then you've already made that leap into cloud accounting, so why not go all the way and use a cloud accountant too?
Hi, I'm not in the UK but I'm looking for a book-keeper in Wave that uses the same VAT principles as we do here in Malta. I believe the Uk is the closest I can think of (except for the different rate) I'm looking for someone to help me set-up my systems and perhaps also help in the long run. Can you help?
Hi, I'm not familiar with Maltese tax law so not sure what is permissible for income tax nor VAT purposes, though that doesn't mean I couldn't find out. This said the main principles of book keeping are pretty much the same wherever you are so on that I could possibly help.
If I were to help you with your VAT I would of course have to charge a fee to cover not only the work itself but also for my research time too.