Multiple Bills- Single bank payment

Hi started using Wave for my new office. I make a record of purchases by creating bills from a vendor, the payments for these multiple bills are made only at the end of the month through a single bank transaction. Could you assist to record payment of multiple bills using single transaction in Wave?
In short - how to record Multiple bills paid in single bank payment.
Hey @Vineeth, definitely! This will work for situations in which you are marking a deposit against several invoices as well.
So, head over to Accounting > Transactions, and locate this transaction that contains all of the separate bill payments. You'll then want to choose 'Spit Transaction' in the menu that appears to the left. You can split it down into as many components as necessary, as long as the sum total of these parts equals the over transaction value. Each time you create a split, it lets you assign a category to said split. In this case you'll want to select 'Payment Sent for a Bill in Wave', and then select the bill. You'll want to make sure that these bills aren't already marked as paid however, as you won't be able to link a transaction with them if they've been closed.