
How do I delete an account which I've created in Chart of Accounts?

LIMOLIMO Member Posts: 1

I've created an account for inventory, and no longer need it. Any idea how I can remove it please?


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    Star044Star044 Member Posts: 6

    I know there is a way to make the accounts unusable, by checking the box, but I would like the extraneous accounts I created while messing around with this program, to go away, now that I understand more what I am doing and have seen that I created more than was practical. I see a lot on how to add them and etc. but I am not finding how to delete them. I don't need or want them showing up on the "Transactions" dropdown. If this is even possible!
    I greatly appreciate your help!

    edited July 5, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Star044.

    No, it isn't possible to delete accounts permanently in Wave. If you archive an account and it isn't attached to any transaction, it should not be showing up anywhere in Wave but your Chart of Accounts.

    There are a few places where archived accounts still appear, but we are working on fixing that as we speak.

    Are you seeing any empty, archived accounts on the Transactions page? If so, could you show me where with a screenshot?

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    Star044Star044 Member Posts: 6

    Hi, and thank you for your answer! I WAS seeing archived accounts a few weeks ago, but now I am not - only the account with activity shows up. That's better! Maybe someday they will have it to where we can delete the extraneous accounts from the Chart of Accounts page, but meanwhile, this is certainly better. Thanks again!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Star044.

    Good news then! That happened just a few days ago! If you archive an account that has no transactions attached, it should disappear entirely. It'll still exist in the back-end of your account and you'll be able to bring it back by re-creating it, but it won't clutter your chart of accounts.

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    demosthenesdemosthenes Member Posts: 1

    There is a simple solution to this problem: if an account has no transactions, allow it to be deleted.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @demosthenes.

    That's actually exactly how it works as of my last reply! The checkbox text hasn't changed, but the account disappears completely if there are no transactions in it and it's archived, it'll be gone.

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    SticksSticks Member Posts: 2

    I know this is an old thread, but an archived account is still listed under the "Import transactions into account" select options on the Bank Connection page.

    Additionally, it should throw an error when you try to create an account with the exact same name as an existing non-archived account.

    edited February 24, 2019
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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Sticks! You are correct Archived accounts do still appear and is something that we are still planning on changing. For now, I recommend adding to "Do not use" or "Inactive" to the names of these accounts to avoid any confusion.

    You're also correct in saying that no errors are given when accounts with same names are created, this is something that I can pass along as a feature request, but for now it is important to be aware of what accounts you have in your Chart of Account or when slight variations need to made to the names of those accounts in order to avoid duplicates.

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