
Looking for a Remote Book Keeper (Located anywhere in Europe)

StephanieFiteniStephanieFiteni Member Posts: 3

I'm looking for someone to help me set-up my systems and start using Wave. I'm located in Malta and trade internationally. I have been through the migration process before with Quickbooks but need a little help, especially with the bank reconciliations and systems to keep the paperwork in order digitally. I have restructured the company and now need to create new systems from scratch.

After the bookkeeping systems and file processes are set-up, we will also discuss long-term bookkeeping services.

I have a local accountant/auditor so local vat/tax/company submissions are taken care of - also any legal questions can be answered by our local accountant.

I'm a consultant and also own a marketing company ( Ltd). We're looking at around 100 to 150 invoices issued by us per year (in both coaching and marketing company) and a similar amount (probably smaller) of expenses/bills.

edited February 26, 2019 in Find a Wave Pro


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    MerlinAccounts_UKMerlinAccounts_UK Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭


    Hi, have reached out to you via LinkedIn as wasn't sure if you had seen my response to your message on my discussion, so hopefully you will either see that or perhaps this message.

    As you aren't actually looking for a UK accountant to prepare your actual accounts and returns, just someone to ensure your Wave is kept in order for your Accountant, I'm sure it is something that I could help you with.

    If you'd like to message me either by PM on here or by email to merlindoncaster@gmail.com I'm sure we can set up a Skype meeting to discuss.


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    StephanieFiteniStephanieFiteni Member Posts: 3

    Hi Andrew

    Apologies hadn't seen your messages yet.
    My accountant offered to have a look - although he's not the techy type at least he knows my business and my books.

    Gonna see how it goes - you ll be the first to know if it doesn t work out.

    Thank you!

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