Sales Tax Report

Northern_2018Northern_2018 Member Posts: 8

Account has just been upgraded to the new style.
In the Sales Tax Ledger since the upgrade Discounts that usually go to Sales seem to go to purchases and I have no purchases in the Accural page but notice there are also amounts in the Cash Basis as well, GST Return is due in 2 days and I have no ideal what has happened, The report has always matched the P&L but now doesn't match. Anybody had this problem?


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @Northern_2018 I'm a bit lost about everything you're referring to here. Would you be able to clarify by sending some specific screenshots showing where you're looking in Wave and what you're expecting to see? Thanks!

  • Northern_2018Northern_2018 Member Posts: 8

    Hi Ryan.

    The problem seems to be in the reporting in the Sales Ledger Report. In an invoice my client does a credit ie $- for a discount/credit to the invoice.

    1. P&L is correct - the P&L deducts the credit/discount correctly I have used my training account to show this. $100 less credit $10 = $90
      attached screen shot

    2. Sales Ledger Report - reports the sales as $100 and the credit/discount as a purchase - this has caused the reports to be incorrect - it should show the same as P&L which is Sales $90 purchases $0.

    the past 2 years this has been correct, I have run reports for past GST returns and they are all incorrect now with the financial year end approaching I need to be able to correct this.

    It appears in the sales ledger reports the discounts/credits which are in the COA as Sales are pointing to expenses in this report. I need to correct this client so that his reports match to filed returns and that his credits/discounts go to sales correctly in both the P&L and STL Report.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Northern_2018 In this situation, I feel as though it might be better if we continue to engage over a support ticketing email (which I have sent you now) -- we just need to get a better sense of what could be going on for your reports showing the incorrect amounts, etc.

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