Cash outflow in Cash Flow reports

Ptfyp5_15Ptfyp5_15 Member Posts: 1

Can anyone tell me if credits are included in the outflow in Cash Flow Reports? We use Wave to create invoices, but do not have Wave linked to a bank account. We are trying to generate income reports for tax which include only income from paid invoices, not invoices not yet paid. We have outflow amounts on these reports, but have not paid anyone or for anything through Wave. We have generated credits on some invoices. Could this be the Outflow amount?

Many thanks in advance for your help with this.


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ptfyp5_15, it's hard to say what those outflows are attributed to just based off your description. The credits on invoices make sense intuitively, but I just want to clarify that if you've created any paid bills or expense transactions in Wave they'll also reflect there as well. If you're literally only using invoices, then I recommend cross-referencing the total credits you've applied to invoices and see if that matches up. The most I can do is speculate at this point, but if this doesn't make sense or match up with what you're doing in your Wave account then please don't hesitate to follow up!

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