Invoice template

bagger36bagger36 Member Posts: 2

Hi there, i have only a couple of customers that i invoice but each invoice i send to them contains the same items just with different costs attached and chronological invoice numbers for each client, How can i create templates for these, so i don't have to sit here and add 16 items in the correct order each week?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @bagger36 . Currently there's no way to add a saved template with specific products/services already added. What's your reasoning for changing the prices of the items? Would you be able to further explain your business and what you do so we can gain a better understanding of how this would benefit you?

  • bagger36bagger36 Member Posts: 2

    Hi there, thanks for the reply. So each week i invoice for my takings so i always need lines for
    Takings Retail Mon
    Takings Treatments Mon
    Takings Retail Tues
    Taking Treatments Tues
    ETC through to Sunday...
    Eftfos charges
    These stay the same every week but each week each days takings are different. It takes quite a while to create the invoice each week and is tricky when i'm doing it on my phone!
    I would really like to have a template for it, that i can just bring up change the date, invoice number, totals and hit send


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Thanks again for your detailed explanation as to how this would benefit you here @bagger36. A more customizable invoice template is something that has been discussed and hopefully will be added to a roadmap in the near future -- however, as of right now, we still don't have any immediate plans or an ETA as to when that will be. Appreciate you giving us some solid feedback to bring to the table when discussing this feature though.

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