Aspiration - Cannot connect

curtbonnemvocurtbonnemvo Member Posts: 4

I absolutely cannot connect to my Aspiration bank account. I go through the whole process, entering my login info, getting an email with a verification code and entering that and it bring up this error:

Wave is unable to locate your account(s). Go to Banking > Bank Connections in the sidebar menu and ensure you have chosen the correct bank. Try connecting again with the correct login credentials. Please visit our help center if the problem persists.

I have definitely chosen the correct bank.

However, what I noticed is that the website address it gives in the system for Aspiration is '' That is the main website. But when I log in to my account the address is ''

Could this be the issue?


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @curtbonnemvo. This is more than likely the issue (the URL for the bank login is different with our integration than what you actually use to login). With that said, I've gone ahed and filed a service request up to our data provider to see what's going on here/when they can update the information for you. In the meantime, you will need to make sure that you upload your bank statements manually through the CSV uploader, or using Wave Connect;

  • curtbonnemvocurtbonnemvo Member Posts: 4

    Thanks. I actually have an even bigger issue that I'm dealing with, in a similar vein. I spent over an hour on chat with support a couple days ago, and it needed to be run higher up the support chain, though I have heard nothing back yet and it's VERY PRESSING...

    When I originally set up not long ago, I entered my Aspiration account with the routing and account numbers in the Payments area. At the time, Aspiration was using Radius as their bank. Now, they've moved everything to their own bank and my account info has changed. However, it won't let me update that in the Payments area. I have added the new account and routing numbers, but when I get the part where I select the radio button to choose the account I want to use...I get the error, "An issue occurred when trying to update your bank account for Payouts. Please try updating your account again. In the meantime, your Wave payments will be sent to your account ending in 861."

    Support had me re-create new accounts a couple times with the same result. There is also no way for me, and apparently for support, to just delete those accounts. So, now I have a defunct bank account set as my Payment bank, and a few duplicates of the new account. Support said they'd need to talk to the developers to see if they could delete those accounts on the back end! Ridiculous that there is no easy way to change that.

    The biggest issue is that I have received a payment into that defunct bank account, and according to support, there is no way to release those funds to me until I have a working bank account. It's been two days since my support agent told me they'd be following up and I've heard nothing.

    This is a crucially important issue, as I cannot get my money or use Wave App any longer until this is resolved. I'd be greatly appreciative if someone could please help.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @curtbonnemvo I understand that you are working with one of our support representatives, Maha, regarding this specific issue (you not being able to update your payout account to accept the payment). With that said, I can assure you that our application support team is looking into it, and once we have an update she will be reaching out to you. For the current payment that is being sent to your incorrect bank account, this is going to eventually fail, and when it does you will be prompted to update your payout account via email once again. (you will need to do this to receive the payment and it will be deposited into your account the following business day). I appreciate your patience here, and we will be in touch as soon as possible regarding updating your banking information.

    edited March 14, 2019
  • PianoKidPianoKid Member Posts: 2

    @JamieD Was the connection issue with the Aspiration URL for bank integration login ever resolved? I am also having issues with connecting my account. My credentials are correct. The customer service specialist's suggestions either do not apply or have not worked.

  • SWCSWC Member Posts: 3

    Looking to see if there is an update with Aspiration login / URL issues? I've tried logging in with the correct credentials for my Aspiration account and the system fails and says it's incorrect. A few days earlier when I tried it wouldn't send a confirmation email and the entire website would lock up and freeze and never added the account. I tried this multiple times with multiple browsers with the same results.

    With such basic login systems failing between banks that should be rock solid in a software like this, this is really concerning how secure my data is... This should be taken seriously and taken care of. Aside from it being frustrating it makes me question what else is going on in Wave's security and sync software??

    The correct URL for aspiration login should be " " . Would really like to see this working properly. It's been over 6 months since it's been brought to your teams attention and doesn't seem that it has been addressed.. Would really appreciate an update as a new user and potential future customer.. @JamieD

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @PianoKid @SWC The data aggregator your account is linked up with is actually different than the the folks who were previously having an issue with logging into Aspiration. This issue has since been fixed by our developers with a back-end update.

    @PianoKid I've been doing some digging on my end as to why this might be happening. It's interesting because the Aspiration bank connection does look healthy on our end! I'm going to escalate this to our data aggregator to try and get my finger on what this issue could be. Before I do, can you confirm if you tried those network troubleshooting steps that Callie sent you?

    @SWC Just to be sure, are you wanting to connect your Aspiration bank to receive payouts or to import your transactions for accounting purposes? If you are wanting to connect Aspiration to receive payouts, you can enter '0' in the search bar and then prompt the software to enter in your banking details manually. You should be able to create a connection that way.

    If you'd like to connect your bank for accounting purposes only (transaction imports), that's a bit of a different story. It sounds like you've tried different browsers (hopefully Chrome, that would be your best bet) but have you tried some network troubleshooting? For example, if you're using a VPN, I'd recommend disabling it. Disabling your antivirus software, or adding to your antivirus whitelist could also resolve any access issues you're having with our integrations or third party modals (such as banking login info). Let me know if those steps work and we'll go from there!

  • SWCSWC Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the fast response @ChelseaK ! Much appreciated.

    Relating to the aggregator - does this mean it should work with ours now, or it's changed with aspiration again?

    I'm just wanting to sync up the account for transactions. My other bank accounts that I synced worked fine so I'm so sure that's the issue. I'll double check those items to make sure something didn't change and will let you know if I figure out. I'd really like to talk with someone about this and try and figure it out if that's possible?

  • SWCSWC Member Posts: 3

    @ChelseaK - Didn't realize my VPN was on, just turned it off and that seemed to fix the issue. I was able to get Aspiration to sync. Thanks for the tip so quickly!

  • PianoKidPianoKid Member Posts: 2

    @ChelseaK Thanks for the quick response! I will try the "0" thing.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @SWC

    We've already escalating this to our data aggregator to see if it were possible to update the URL. We apologize that there has been no progress on their end. We will update this channel once we receive word about this update.

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