Merging duplicate entries

LindaR58_LindaR58_ Member Posts: 3

Hi, can anyone help?
My partner inputs our receipts via the Wave mobile app, so they then appear on the bank transactions as a duplicate transaction alongside the actual expense transaction from the bank! Wave have said that this should be rectified by ticking the two and merging, which works in that it takes the receipt transaction off the sheet, but the bank total isn't reduced by that amount, in fact it increases! Can anyone help me with this please!?


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LindaR58_ what you're describing sounds rather odd; can you attach a screenshot showing what you're looking at? Merging transactions shouldn't increase anything, so I'm really curious to see what we're looking at here!

  • LindaR58_LindaR58_ Member Posts: 3

    Hi Ryan,
    What happens is that when you merge a receipt entry and the bank transaction entry, the total in the All Accounts box at the top of the screen increases by that amount. For example, I've just merged 2 entries, both to the value of £62.67, and the amount in the All Accounts total box then increases by £62.67, when I would have thought it should reduce by that amount, or is that me being thick?

    Can you give me an email address to screenshot to, as I don't want to put screenshots of our bank details on the forum!


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @LindaR58_ I just sent you an email so we can dig in further. Please reply with the screenshots and we can check it out together!

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