
Receipts not processing, stuck in Android app PROCESSING column

kacitkacit Member Posts: 13

I've recently photographed around maybe 100 receipts (in batches of approx 8-10) using the Android app, but after the first few were processed & uploaded successfully, processing seems to have stopped & I have the majority stuck in the 'PROCESSING' column, displaying 'Unknown Merchant' & 'Uncategorized''.

I was able to manually process just one by itself by opening it up & setting amount, merchant, date etc then saving, but the rest - the bulk of the 100 or so - are just stuck there.

Do I have to now process each receipt individually to get get them to all upload?

Thanks in advance for your advice


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @kacit do you mind running some standard mobile troubleshooting? Please try the following steps (keeping in mind that you're likely going to have to process each receipt again, I'm afraid):

    • Try closing and re-launching the app.
    • Log out and back into the app.
    • Check to make sure that you're connected to a cellular data or WiFi network.
    • Ensure that you've turned on permissions from the settings menu of your device.
    • Uninstall and reinstall the app on your device.
    • Restart your device.

    If following these steps don't resolve the error you're experiencing, please let me know. To help us better understand the issues you are experiencing, please provide the following information: the version of the app you are using, the type of device you are using, and the operating system version. Thanks!

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