How to change the number of decimals?

YonisYonis Member Posts: 3

Hey there,
Wave has two decimals in the amounts (for example $99.90 or $25.16)
But my currency uses three decimals (for example BD99.900 or BD25.158)

Let me explain it further
100 pennies are equal to 1 US Dollar. so you end up having two decimals in the US.
But in other countries like Bahrain, we have 1000 fils equal to 1 Bahraini Dinar, this makes it necessary to have three decimals for accurate bookkeeping.

We have to round up all amounts entered in wave to two decimals, (for example BD25.158 will be entered as BD25.16) which is fine for the moment, but we noticed that on the long run these small round ups cumulate to create big difference in the accounts. I tried to look for a way to change the number of decimals but couldn't find.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Yonis,

    This isn't currently possible in Wave, as all transactions are locked at 2 decimal numbers. This can cause some issues with a small handful of currencies.

    I've notified the right people about this issue with the Bahraini Dinar. I can't tell you exactly when this will be fixed, but our engineers have been made aware of it.

  • AGEAGE Member Posts: 2

    Hi, we also use a currency with 3 decimal places in Oman, (part per thousand). Omani Rials is 1000 baizas, as many other currencies in the world.
    Would be great if the option to change from 2 to 3 decimal places existed.
    Best regard,

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @AGE.

    I have forwarded this to the right folks on our end. I can't give you a timeline on when this will be fixed, but we're on it!

  • Olle_BOlle_B Member Posts: 1
    Any update on this? We're working in West and Central african francs, which do not include a decimal at all.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Olle_B
    As Wave tries to operate in a very universal sense, when an issue that is unfortunately as niche as yours comes up, our developers have to make certain compromises for the general public. Adding a 3rd decimal place is unlikely to be on our roadmap for any upgrades that we can foresee.

    We appreciate your use of Wave and love to hear feedback from all of users globally. Take care!

  • jgfarnedjgfarned Member Posts: 1

    I'm an editor using US dollars, but my rates use three decimal places: .026/word for a light copyedit, for example. The total is accurate, but I'd rather my clients did not have to check the math when it looks like I'm charging them .03/word.

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