
Print / convert to PDF paid invoice receipt

Starik70Starik70 Member Posts: 8


I'd like to submit this feature request to make it easy to download and print paid invoice receipts. Right now, I can only send them via email, which is great, but many clients require I bring a printed receipt when I pick up the check for payment.

I am currently printing the receipt web page view into PDF which is not ideal as there's a header on the top and lots of margins of the side.

Thanks a lot,



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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Starik70. Appreciate the feedback and request that you've given us here. I will make sure that your voice is heard in terms of improving the payment receipt functionality for invoices that have been paid by our users -- we still don't have any immediate plans as to when we would add this in Wave though.

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