
Filtered Export of Receipts by Date Range

Shayne_M_MShayne_M_M Member Posts: 2


The Wave suite has potential. I've been using it for some time and the overall clean design and usability makes performing mundane tasks less mundane.

However, some features are lacking. A couple of things I'd like to see around the export of receipts:
1. Exporting receipts is hard to find (burried in Settings/Other) - there needs to be a link to Export directly from the Receipts page.
2. Exporting receipts offers no filters - there needs to be an option to export only those receipts that fall under a specified date range (at the least). A good use case for this is when I fill out my Time & Expense report, I want to export all receipts for that billing period (last week/two weeks/month).

Thank you for your consideration.




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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Shayne_M_M - great suggestions, and I'll make sure our Product Team sees these. Having an export feature directly on the page, kind of like we do for reports, would definitely streamline the process, especially if we could have it filterable for certain periods.

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    Shayne_M_MShayne_M_M Member Posts: 2

    Thanks, Sam. Yes, I see the Export directly in the page as a quick win - exporting a filtered subset of receipts is makes the feature useful :)

    Good work guys.

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    Al_HAl_H Member Posts: 1

    This is what I was searching for, hoped Wave would be able to do this, especially using Wave connect to sync with Google sheets. This way my monthly business expenses can be semi-automated and a spreadsheet summary submitted. At the moment the download reports in wave connect do not stretch to itemised monthly expenses. Is this something that may be made available in future?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Al_H

    We aren't completely privy to this knowledge from our developers but I will let you know that they do check the forums frequently when looking to make future updates. Thanks for reaching out.

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