Can't see my archived accounts in my chart of accounts

Ian_BIan_B Member Posts: 16

Hi all, New to Wave and like many (I'm guessing) I completely stuffed up my account creation from the start. Now I want to start reusing the multitudes of accounts I archived rather than creating new ones. Is there a toggle to show them in the chart of accounts? It says they should just be there in the article at ... I'm kinda glad they aren't contaminating my chart of accounts but I need to see them to unarchive and edit them.

Thanks in advance


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ian_B, in this case if an account doesn't show up in Chart of Accounts as archived, it effectively has been deleted (and my apologies about not fully clarifying that in the article). Accounts will appear as 'archived' if they have transactions associated with them. Archiving marks them as no longer in use, but they can be restored since there is associated data. But accounts which have no transactions associated with them (they may never have, or those transactions were moved out into another) disappear as there is no data to preserve in them once archived. For cases like these, you'd need to recreate the accounts in Chart of Accounts. Let us know though if you're seeing accounts which still have transactions associated not showing in the CoA at all.

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