
Online Banking logon alert

Linda_Subramoney7Linda_Subramoney7 Member Posts: 2

My bank sends me an email notification every single time I logon to my online banking. Since I have set up Wave to connect with my bank accounts, I have received an alert from my bank that someone logged on to my online banking at a time when I definitely wasn't awake let alone logging on to banking. Is there anyway to set up an automatic alert from my Wave account to my email so that I can verify that it was Wave logging on and not a fraudulent access attempt?

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @Linda_Subramoney7 If you have login notifications turned on, that email alert can be triggered by the third-party data aggregator (called Yodlee) Wave uses. Yodlee needs to log in to your bank to scrape the transaction data and pull it into Wave. Have you noticed if these login alerts happen around the same time every day? If so, this is probably Yodlee.

    That being said, your account security is extremely important to us and we want to make sure that's what's going on - if you have any doubts, you can call your bank and ask them for the IP address that those logins are coming from. We can then crosscheck that with Yodlee's IP to make sure that's what's happening.

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    Linda_Subramoney7Linda_Subramoney7 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Sophia, thank you for your feedback. I called my bank the very next morning to check and they confirmed that it was Wave that had logged on. They suggested I check with your company to make sure that it was indeed Wave logging on. As suggested I will call them and request the IP address as another notification was received this morning at a different time - 23:35(GMT+2:00).

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Linda_Subramoney7, I just wanted to check in and see if this was resolved. Is everything good?

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