
Customer List View Difficult to Read

czyadgrlczyadgrl Member Posts: 12

The resulting list is really hard to quickly sort through because the contact name and business name are forced into a column that looks to be only about 6 characters or 1" wide.
I currently see only 2 customer contacts on my screen because the text forces the rows to continue to take up screen space.

It's really helpful that the email address and phone number are displayed so that the quick list works as a contact list, but the actual names are difficult to read.

I've blurred the text out, but the attached image shows 2 contacts from my list taking up nearly the entire screen of a 13" laptop.

Could each contact be allowed 2 rows instead of just 1?
Row 2 - Email - phone - payment methods - actions

Or maybe remove the payment methods column since you can't actually do anything with the resulting icon in that location, to get more room for the customer name column?
Reduce padding between the payment method column and the phone number?

Or is my view screwed up somehow?



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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @czyadgrl I feel as though this might be best handled via a support ticket, so I'm going to send you an email to the address you setup your community profile with. We need to get a bit more information from you in terms of what you are entering in for your customers so that we can try to replicate this on our end.

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