
Uploading bank statement - choose file dialog missing

lizdlizd Member Posts: 7

I am trying to upload a csv bank statement, which I have done successfully numerous times previously.

However the 'Choose File' dialog next to 'Statement' is missing from the screen and I can't selec the file to upload. See the screenshot attached.

I have tried with both Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers and the same problem occurs in both.

Anyone else having this problem?


edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Liz! I'm unable to reproduce this issue in my own account. Could you clear your cache and let us know if it persists?

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    lizdlizd Member Posts: 7

    Hi Charlotte

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have rebooted my PC, cleared the cache and all other history, and installed the latest version of Chrome but the problem persists.

    The screen looks the same as above, ie with the Choose File dialog missing. I have tried hovering/clicking in the general area hoping it might appear but no luck.

    I have been able to use this successfully in the past - has anything been changed recently?

    I am using Chrome version 63.0.3239.108 (Official Build) (64-bit).

    Update: I have tried this on my husband's PC and it has the same issue. So I don't think it is related to my laptop or browser.



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    lizdlizd Member Posts: 7

    Please can you give an update on this? I am still having the same problem and am unable to upload my December transactions.

    Thanks & regards


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    lizdlizd Member Posts: 7

    Latest update:

    The 'Choose file' button has now reappeared.

    But when I choose a file to upload, it gives an error telling me to select a bank statement file, even though it shows the file I have selected in the dialog.

    Please help!!!



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    Kapiti_DerbyKapiti_Derby Member Posts: 2

    I'm having the same problem! I have tried on multiple devices but still no luck. unfortunately, I have 6months worth of transactions I want to upload and do NOT want to have to manually import each and every one of them.

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    lizdlizd Member Posts: 7

    I am still having this problem. I have tried on different computers and with different browsers. Can someone please look into this?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @lizd.

    Could it be a problem with the formatting of your file? Wave is a little particular about how it wants its statement uploaded. I recommend opening up your file and making sure it conforms to the guidelines found here.

    If that's not the case, I've seen this problem fixed by uploading your CSV to Google Sheets, and re-exporting it as a CSV. This occasionally clears characters that Wave can't read.

    Let me know if that works.

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    chuckchuck Member Posts: 2

    I have a CSV that wasn't complete if I upload the complete one will there be duplicates of the ones I have already uploaded or will it just add the missing transactions?

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