Can't add customer to a transaction

AlexandraEAlexandraE Member Posts: 2

I am at a total loss. When entering new income I want to associate a customer with it. But there does not seem to be a field for that. Same thing for expenses. I can't link the expense to a paritcular vendor.

that's bad because if i run a customer or vendor report it won't work and i never can see how much i made from each customer.

Anyone have a solution????


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @AlexandraE!

    Vendors are attached to bills and receipts, and customers are attached to invoices. Neither of them are attached to transactions directly.

    If you need more information on your customers, I'd recommend checking the Customer Statements page, where you'll be able to see all paid and unpaid invoices, by each of your customers.

    We also have two useful reports for you. On the reports page, you can find these two reports Income by Customer* and **Purchases by Vendor.

    If you really need to be able to see your customers and vendors from the transaction page, the only way to do it would be entering notes on each transaction manually.

  • AlexandraEAlexandraE Member Posts: 2

    thank you for your response. It did not used to be like that. You must have changed that.
    It makes no sense to me to create an invoice for every single customer, for every single transaction. they pay me without bills and I just enter the the income....oh well.

    thank you anyway.

  • Jlmed32Jlmed32 Member Posts: 1

    I just joined Wave and have a similar problem. I want to update Wave with the income customers have already paid me earlier this year, but I can't assign a customer to an income entry.

    I'd like to see my income per customer, and obviously I can't invoice them for a past transaction. Help?

    edited February 10, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jlmed32. You can recreate your invoices in Wave without sending them out, if you need to see your income per customer from before you joined up. Just click Skip sending when you get to that step. You'll have to also record the payment manually, which you can also do without sending anything to your client.

  • Steve_ArtistSteve_Artist Member Posts: 2

    Hmmm...I'm checking out Wave as a possible replacement for Quicken...but this may be the dealbreaker I did NOT want to find. As artists, we have consignment relationships with dozens of galleries, which means they send us checks every month without us billing them. In Quicken, there is a "Tag" field where I simply type the first couple letters of the gallery and the field autofills the gallery's or two seconds. To have to create a faux invoice, and mark it faux paid, for every single check — just to record the customer's name — sounds crazy-making! Do you foresee any possibility that Wave may add a tag field to transaction records? I already entered all our galleries into "Customers" seems like I should be able to quickly/easily assign split deposits to any of our Customers right from the split transaction dialog box.

    edited March 7, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Steve_Artist.

    It's actually on the way for the near future. I can't give you a specific date, but our engineers are working on bringing this feature to Wave sooner than later.

    If you're curious about what else is in the works for the future of Wave, check out this article.

  • Steve_ArtistSteve_Artist Member Posts: 2

    Thanks, Alexia! Yes, the article you referenced promises the ability to assign vendors and customers to fact, it sounds like some customers may have the update already:

    Katie says, "If you’re reading this and you don’t yet have access to the new system, stay tuned! We’ll be rolling this out gradually, and you’ll get an email from us when Wave’s new accounting software is ready for your business." So I'll keep watching for the update to come our way.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    This particular feature hasn't started rolling out just yet, @Steve_Artist, but it's absolutely a "near future" thing. That sentence you quoted refers to the new interface for Wave, which you're already using. In effect, that means that the second new features are added, you should have access.

  • BStewartNZBStewartNZ Member Posts: 2

    Alexia, when is this feature being rolled out, defiantly something that I am wanting to use right now and it has been 9 months since it was said it was coming?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @BStewartNZ. If you are currently on our latest software, you can attach a customer to an income transaction that you've created in Wave. I have gone ahead and attached a screenshot of where you would do this (in the transactions section).

  • JessBJessB Member Posts: 1

    So I have a slightly different view of the transaction activity (I'm using a browser, maybe that's the difference) but I don't understand what adding a customer does here. I'm trying to transition into Wave and am populating my data from my old system. I pulled in my income from there and have tried linking the transactions to customers but it doesn't seem to drive anything - if I try to generate a report for that customer, those payments don't show; only payments made toward an invoice. I also don't see a way to filter income by customer in the transaction view.

  • BStewartNZBStewartNZ Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for that @JamieD but not exactly what I need, actually already doing that for a standard transaction but trying to transfer some of an Income transaction to multiple customers. using it slightly different but trying to split the excess by manual transactions to each customer.

  • ashrafashraf Member Posts: 2

    Would be amazing to have a similar feature, where we can BULK edit transactions and assign them to a customer without issuing invoices and without having to do it manually for every transaction.

    It seems fairly simple feature but very necessary for some types of businesses.

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @ashraf , thanks for reaching out and for the suggestion! Adding this feature to the transactions page it not on our immediate roadmap, but I will definitely pass your feedback along to our product team. I do see how this would be a big time saver to a lot of people!

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