
Davie at Box Advisory Services (Sydney, Australia)

DavieDavie Member Posts: 1


Chartered Accountant here based in Sydney, Australia. We service all small businesses and contractors/consultants in Australia.

You can find more information about us in this video

Visit our website

I come to work every day because I want to solve problems. Everyone is trying to figure out how to navigate this thing we call a business. Business owners don’t know how best to structure their business, what strategies to implement, how much their overheads are costing them, or even whether their business is profitable!

Then that dreaded time of the year – tax time – where you scramble together all the receipts and expenses you can find. You hand that over to your accountant and he/she tells you how much money you owe the tax-man.

I believe that there is a better way to do accounting. A more valuable, rewarding method to the madness of running a business. My mission at my company Box Advisory Services is to help guide our contractors and small business owners in making better decisions. By thinking outside of the Box using cloud technology, continuous education of our clients and building a trusting relationship, we believe that we can make accounting simple and easy.

edited April 2, 2019 in Pro Network Listings
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