How do I enter Shareholder's Loan to Corporation?

idealglasscreationsidealglasscreations Member Posts: 2

I understand I need to enter shareholder's loan to corporation via Journal transaction. However when doing that I get error Unbalanced. What do I do wrong?


  • MerlinAccounts_UKMerlinAccounts_UK Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭

    @idealglasscreations said:
    I understand I need to enter shareholder's loan to corporation via Journal transaction. However when doing that I get error Unbalanced. What do I do wrong?

    There are two sides to a journal - a debit entry and a credit entry, and these need to be to the same value. If you are getting the message that it's unbalanced then you are clearly not matching the values.

  • idealglasscreationsidealglasscreations Member Posts: 2

    Thank you Merlin, I did that what you said and the transaction reordered successfully.
    Another question is when I now go to Reconciliat the account to witch I added this transaction the Wave shows a difference for that exact amount. :(

  • MerlinAccounts_UKMerlinAccounts_UK Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭

    Have you checked to make sure that the loan receipt hasn't also been imported into your Wave bank account when you imported your bank? If it has then it would seem that you have effectively entered the money twice - the journal may not have been necessary?

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