
Searching Receipt Notes

Katie_White555Katie_White555 Member Posts: 2

Hi Everyone.
I am just wondering if there is a feature making it possible to search receipts or purchase transactions by the notes entered? All of our employees generally add the Job Name that they are purchasing materials for to the receipt notes when they upload them. I am looking at being able to search the notes for these details so I can easily capture the expenses for each Job when I go to do up an invoice. I'd appreciate any help! Thanks!

edited April 3, 2019 in Community Chat


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Katie_White555 - unfortunately this isn't a possibility at this time but it is a really good suggestion. Historically, Wave's tracking of jobs or projects has been a little lacking, but being able to add a searchable note would certainly help out with this (and I think the lack of ability to tag items as a project/job are the main source of the issue here). Depending how much you are tracking, it may be a viable alternative to make a specific account (under Chart of Accounts) for recoding job specific expenses. This still wouldn't be directly searchable on the receipts page, but you could run reports and narrow them down to the specific expense account/category which would allow you to track the those receipt transactions.

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    lodgilodgi Member Posts: 2

    Hello here!
    I am looking for the similar feature but for transactions notes: would be great to be able to search there as well.

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    Katie_White555Katie_White555 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for your response. I also appreciate your suggestion in regards to opening a different "account" under the job name. Unfortunately as the transactions are usually spread over a few different credit cards already it is probably more beneficial for reconciling purposes to keep adding the Job name in the notes section for now. I'll just hang out in hopes that the search-ability will become a feature in the future!

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    unherdofunherdof Member Posts: 2

    We've waited patiently for almost 3 years for this "Search by Receipt/Note" feature.

    edited May 5, 2022
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