How to record Duty?

RobWattsRobWatts Member Posts: 4

I buy production materials from the USA sometimes. I am in Canada and must pay duty on imports. Should I make an account in my chart of accounts and record those payments? I am not certain at the time of this message but I think there is some ability to claim these as expenses at tax time.


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @RobWatts! You are definitely on the right track here, the best thing to do would be to create an expense account in your Chart of Accounts, you can add it as a Merchant/Processing fees expense account. You can then categorize these expenses to that account.

    If these expenses turn our to be recoverable, you can generate a report with all of these expenses clearly laid out on your Account Transactions Report for filing your taxes! I hope this helps :smile:

  • RobWattsRobWatts Member Posts: 4

    yes I think that will do it. thanks

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