can not reconcile

Brian7Brian7 Member Posts: 1

I'm new to this, I entered one month Jan 2018; trying to get a full year in and get up to date as of this month (april 2019); and so, I only entered 1 month's worth of data; and now I cannot figure out how to reconcile? When I click on the month to reconcile, it takes me to a page that I cannot select any of the transactions. What am I doing wrong?
thanks in advance.


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Brian7 . The Reconciliation page works in that it compares your inputted bank statement balance to the balance that Wave has generated for you. If you want to edit or view your Transactions, you can do this from the Transactions page (Accounting > Transactions). I would advise going through your Transactions page first and reviewing your transactions against your bank statement by using the green check marks located next to the transactions themselves. This should allow you to prepare your month for the reconciliation feature where your account balnaces should align. Check out this link on our reconciliation to get a better idea on how to use it.

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