Download list of expenses
Does anyone know a way to download a full list of expenses? I can see in 'Account transactions' lots of subcategories of expenses e.g. Accounting Fees, but not an option to see a full list. Is this possible?
If you wanted to print a list, you could temporarily add $1 for each account. That way they show up and then export the income statement. After your finished you can delete the transaction. For example, say you have 45 expenses. Using the cash on hand, create an expense for $45. Now split that expense picking each expense and putting $1. Now run an income statement. Each account should show up. export to either pdf or excel. Go back and delete that transaction. Seems like a lot to do for a list but you cannot export the chart of accounts and only accounts with a balance will show up when a report is run.
The only other method I can think of is to open excel or word. Go to chart of accounts/expenses. On each one use the mouse and highlight the account. Hit Ctrl C and then paste to your document. Repeat as often as necessary or just copy the whole page and reformat as necessary.
Mike G, CPA
Thanks Mike,
Last year I worked around it by using the second method you mentioned. Just wondered if I was missing something, hoping for a single download really. Oh well, maybe one day.
Thanks again,
So there's no way to download a full CSV of all expenses? Good grief, add this to the ever-growing list of basic features Wave seems to neither have nor care about prioritizing. They'll blast me with ads for a business account nobody asked for, meanwhile there's still no way to attach receipts to transactions or reliably sync with PayPal. [Deleted]
Does anyone know if there is a way to download expenses yet? I have finally spent all day doing the data transfer to Zoho books after Wave decided to close its doors to UK businesses and have just realised that there is no way to export expenses. My expenses are an important part of my business, I'd say almost as important as income/invoices so it makes no sense that Wave would not include this in their transfer. I was told by Zoho that I could just manually go through my bank accounts and upload the outgoing expenses but as a sole trader I sometimes use my personal bank account for expenses so this is not possible. I wish that this was made clear before I had spent half a day transferring over although I guess it wouldn't necessarily help as the problem is with Wave not providing this service despite closing their doors to none US business at VERY short notice. In fact for me I had been set up for roughly 2 months before they informed me of this closure so I am not happy with this company at all.