How to record multiple transactions tie to one receipt?

chenzhchenzh Member Posts: 9

My company uses taxi services. By the end of the month, Taxi company will send us a receipt for accounting. It's a summary of the payments for tax during the month).
All the payments have already taken place when I used the taxi.

So how can I tie a few dozens of payment records to this one receipt?


Best regards,


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @chenzh!

    Unfortunately there are a couple of limitations in Wave that prevent doing this. There are a couple of workarounds, but they have their cons so I just want to go over some of the options.

    Right now, Wave is only able to merge transactions that have the same value. So, if every taxi ride was the same price, you could merge all of these. The issue though would be merging these transactions with the receipt that is the monthly total, because the individual rides only make up a small amount.

    It would conceivably be possible to not record each individual ride in Wave and instead just upload the receipt, after which you could split the transaction up into its individual rides, but Wave wouldn't allow you to attach a date to each of these splits, meaning it would appear as if you incurred all your expenses at once (which is okay if you are being invoiced at the end of the month, but not if this is merely a statement and you're paying each trip).

    You could also upload the monthly total receipt into Wave, but delete the transaction it generates. It wouldn't be linked to any transactions in Wave in this case, but you would have a digital record of the receipt in Wave should you need it.

    We are working on allowing attachments in transactions however, so this is not to say what you mention will always require a workaround in Wave. I'll be submitting this as feedback to our Product Team as well, and keep an eye out for updates.

  • chenzhchenzh Member Posts: 9

    Hello Samd,

    Firstly, thanks for your detailed explanation.
    Secondly, I would like to point it out, that the taxi use cases mentioned here are just one of many others I have encountered (although the others are less frequent)

    So I would make an official request if it's ok:

    Could you make the "Merge" function allow Multiple records "Merge" together as long as the total amount is equal?

    This could solve many problems, such as multiple payments for one service (eg. down payment)

    Looking forward to your feedback.

    Best regards,

  • Jacinto_ChoJacinto_Cho Member Posts: 16

    you could do it by a journal transaction, email me

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Jacinto_Cho In this situation, it wouldn't work as a Journal Transaction since JT's are for money movement from one account to the other (the request here is to merge multiple bill's into one solid total amount, aka a bulk payment).

    @chenzh Appreciate the feedback that you've provided here and the detail going with it. Again, as Sam mentioned, this could be something that's implemented in the future, but we still don't have any immediate plans or an idea of what that would look like on a roadmap for the time being.

  • NimbusUnlimitedNimbusUnlimited Member Posts: 10

    Aloha. Iʻd like to bump this up to see if WaveApps has an update for this request.

    In my case, I have one receipt for a purchase of 2 items. The vendor, however, ran them as 2 separate credit card transactions. Iʻd like to tie the 2 transactions to the 1 receipt. I was hoping by splitting the amount noted in the receipt to match the 2 credit card transactions, I could merge all 3, but WaveApps does not provide me with the option to merge 3 total transactions.

    Could you please advise?

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @NimbusUnlimited , please see my answer here!

    edited June 22, 2021
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