how do I disconnect payments to archive a business.

I keep getting a notification that in order to archive a business, I need to disconnect payments. But when I go to payments, it simply gives me an option to turn off credit card payments, which I do, but then it still gives me a notice. Help!!
Hey @djmimi
Unfortunately what you are experiencing is a known issue that prevents businesses from being archived.
This is an issue we are aware of and are working to remedy but there is no ETA for a fix. In the meantime, what I can suggest is to rename the business through the Business Toggle in the top left corner > Manage Your Profile > Businesses > then click the Pencil Icon to edit and rename the Business you wish to archive. (Tip: most users will rename it to "Z" or something to that effect to get it out of the way).
On the Businesses Page you will also want to click the Star button beside another business to make that your Primary Business in Wave.
I apologize for this inconvenience and hope this workaround allows for you to proceed with minimal issue.
I have the same problem. I am concerned that my bank which was incorrectly linked to this business is still linked to this business and I need to have that link deleted. Surely, it is not good to leave a linked bank account out in the ether?
Hey @ewsb !
You can head over to your Settings > Payouts page to confirm if you have a linked bank account. If you have a bank account linked to Wave, you won't we able to delete it but you can replace your payout information with dummy info "0000". To do this, click "Update bank details" in blue text and enter dummy information into the search window and select and select "Use your bank routing and account numbers". Once selected, enter the remaining dummy information like so:
Once this is done, your bank information will be removed from our system.