Cash outflow / Discount

DiatadDiatad Member Posts: 2

I have spent a day trying to determine why there is cash outflow generated on my cash flow reports. After hours googling and then looking through the forums it appears other people may have the same issue.
What I have discovered is the "outflow" directly corresponds to the 'discount' I have given clients in specific invoices. Wave seems to be recognising these as outgoings attached to those jobs, which I totally understand why it would.

I wanted to post this so that other may find this solution easier if it is an issue they are facing, but also to ask if there is any future implementation of a proper discount function. It would be useful for me to be able to apply a percentage discount to a selection of the products on an estimate or invoice.
Failing that, at least a way to remove this discount calculation from my cash outflow.


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Diatad. Appreciate the post and feedback you've given us here about cash outflow and discounted line items. As of right now, we don't have any immediate plans to add a discount option (other than adding a line item) which would be basically entered in manually when the invoice is being created (at a percentage, etc). With that said, if you want to give us a bit more information regarding your business, and how often you would need a feature such as this, it would be helpful in determining the prioritization of this feature request.

  • DiatadDiatad Member Posts: 2

    Most of my invoices end up with some sort of discount on them, currently just a line item with a negative number, sometimes arbitrary %'s and sometimes specific £ to fit a budget. I would rather a way that this wasn't included in cast outflow as it's not an outgoing.

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