Ability to customize invoice reminder email

Can we please have the option to customize the invoice reminder emails in the same way we can customize the invoices?
Thank you.
Can we please have the option to customize the invoice reminder emails in the same way we can customize the invoices?
Thank you.
Hey @gen. As of right now, we don't have the option to customize the invoice reminder emails in Wave. This could be something that we implement in the near future (we are taking a look at our invoicing section in general), but we don't have any immediate plans just yet on when this type of feature would be available, etc.
Hi, I'd like to second this request please! I hesitate to use the reminders feature because the wording of the email is not always appropriate.
What is the wording on the reminder emails? You can "Preview" the email but it doesn't give you a preview of the actual email that's going to be send. Several people now have commented on the wording in the email and, having sent several reminders to clients, I am now concerned with what I may have sent!
@gen Can you share the feedback you've received so our team can take a look and see what we can do with the content? We are looking at improving the reminder experience so this will help a lot!
No, I meant I have seen several people on the community message board comment on the wording of the reminder emails. That got me concerned because I have no idea what the reminder emails look like! You can preview it, but it doesn't actually show the text, just what looks like a placeholder graphic.
Hey there @gen
Thought I'd upload the body of text for the reminder email.
Thanks, now I know what it looks like! It's not terribly rude, but the bold, red overdue font might be too much, combined with the big, red OVERDUE stamp. But, then again, I'd love it if all clients paid on time!
I'd like to further support this move. In fact what would be very beneficial is to be able to include an automated default message reminders that go out automatically, but that we have the ability to customize the email content as a template for both before and after dues dates. For example,
For before payment due date:
"You are receiving this automated message as a gentle reminder that this invoice will be due on the above noted due date. Thank you in advance for your patronage."
For overdue payments:
"You are receiving this automated message as a reminder that this invoice was due on the above noted due date and is now overdue. Should you have any questions, please contact the sender."
I support this request and perhaps suggest to offer a drop down menu to select which message to send at the 3, 5 , 7-day reminder message. Even better would be to offer the option to save a customized message.
Thanks you